50 Things To Do With Your Kids This Summer [A YML Live Bonus!]

As K. Elizabeth and I promised during our Mommy Camp 101 Google Hangout, here are 50 things you can do with your kids this summer! This list, of course, is really endless. Anything you do with your kids can be fun—just remember that attitude is everything! (Below the graphic are some links to how-tos!)

50 Things To Do With Your Kids

1. Go for a hike
2. Start a family scrapbook
3. Feed the ducks
4. Do a summer reading challenge
5. Volunteer at your favorite local charity
6. Plant a garden
7. Have a water balloon fight
8. Host a cookout with family and friends
9. Go fishing
10. Build a pillow fort
11. DIY family photoshoot
12. Get pen-pals
13. Start a collection (rocks, bug, etc)
14. Visit the library
15. Tour a museum
16. Do mommy-daughter/son makeovers
17. Have a family slumber party
18. Host a community clean-up day
19. Go camping (backyard or park)
20. Make and pass out cards to your favorite community helpers (firefighters, public librarians, etc)
21. Play in the sprinkler
22. Make a bird feeder
23. Read a book that has a movie adaptation and compare the two (Try Harry Potter or Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs)
24. Wash the car
25. Learn a new dance
26. Have a picnic at the park
27. Go see fireworks
28. Have a “pajama day”
29. Visit a nearby city
30. Make ice cream from scratch
31. Have family game night
32. Map out a road trip
33. Run a lemonade stand
34. Make homemade Popsicles
35. Look at constellations
36. Show them your favorite movie from your childhood
37. Visit the zoo
38. Go for a run together
39. Do self-portaits
40. Invent something
41. Have a homemade pizza party (try this upside down pizza recipe!)
42. “Chalk” the neighborhood
43. Use household items for mega bubble-blowing
44. Catch fireflies
45. Go berry-picking
46. Try some yoga (grab some towels and do it outside!)
47. Visit a water park
48. Take a free kid’s workshop at a store like Lowe’s Build & Grow or Home Depot’s DIY Workshops
49. Eat ice cream for dinner.
50. Set up a yarn/string obstacle course.


Physical Fitness Is Mental Fitness: 3 Keys To Fitting In Fitness During A Busy Week

woman exercising

All year I’ve been writing about self-care and self-love and taking good care of yourself (take my self-care quiz if you haven’t already to see how you stack up!). I’ve noticed that when I’m in a groove with my fitness — for me that means making it to the gym regularly or getting outside for a walk a few times a week — I tend to be a calmer, happier person. I’m not snapping at my kids, my husband’s not getting on my nerves as much and my clients are not as demanding. Being physically active makes me better able to cope with what’s going on in my world at any given time. For those 30 minutes of my workout, I’m not stressed. It’s the only time of day where my mind is completely clear. And I need that.

I realize it is not easy to keep fitness top of mind. Particularly when you’re having an extremely busy week and you’re tired from everything else you had to do. But once I realized that practically every week as a busy week, I decided I had to fit in my workouts, tired or not. Here’s three tips that have helped me get off the couch:

1) Do it first.

I find the only way for me to be semi-consistent with my fitness routine is to schedule it in the beginning of my day. I tried for a while to do 6 a.m. workouts but that just made my day too long and I’d be sluggish by 7 p.m. So now I work out at 9 a.m. and am home, showered and ready to work by 10.

If you struggle with working out consistently, putting it first inherently makes it feel more like a priority. It becomes an urgent item on your to-do list, not a “if I can fit it in” item.

2) Do it often.

I still struggle with this one, but for me, it is better for me to walk around the block for 15 minutes at a leisurely pace every day, than it is to struggle to try to fit in 5 hour-long workouts during my week. Some weeks, it’s just not possible and instead of fitting in what I can, I do nothing and that makes me feel worse. A little exercise beats no exercise.

3) Make sure it’s fun.

One of the reasons that I simply can not do the elliptical anymore is because it bores me to tears. I’m moving but I’m not going anywhere? What kind of mess is that? I like doing a circuit at my gym because I move to a new machine every minute and a half and I switch up the exercises to really challenge myself. If you find that your workouts are boring, guess what? You’re not going to do them, you probably won’t put in your full amount of effort and you won’t see any changes. It’s pretty simple.



YML Live: Mommy Camp 101 – Making The Most Of Summers Home With The Kids

Mommy Camp 101

With summer fast approaching, it can difficult for work-at-home and stay-at-home moms to figure out what the heck to do with their kids all day. Overnight summer camp can be expensive and spending your summer taking your kids to and from a day camp can be a drag as well. But hosting your own “Mommy Camp” can be a solution that’s fun, affordable and educational.

I’m teaming up with my blogger buddy K. Elizabeth from YUMMommy.com  to dish out our favorite tips on planning a memorable and easy “Mommy Camp” on the next installment of YML Live. Join us Tuesday, April 28 at 9 p.m. EST for a candid conversation about how to get work done, keep the kids entertained and fed, and stay sane by the time school starts back up!

We’ll cover:

  • Budgeting and planning for activities and groceries.
  • Activity ideas (beyond Pinterest!)
  • Setting goals for your summer
  • Building a tribe with other WAHMs/SAHMs
  • Getting in “me-time” while you’re watching the kids all day

Will you be joining us? We’d love if you shared it on Twitter!

Link to watchhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEht18d47FA 

Four Tips On Making Meaningful Friendships As An Adult

blogger meetup

I’ve been blogging and running my own business for so long but haven’t reached out to women in my city yet. It was a problem because while the internet has made it so easy for you to connect to anybody, anywhere, proximity counts. I didn’t have that community of women in my own backyard that I could call upon for immediate support, instead having to always rely on “virtual hugs” and supportive Facebook messages.

So this past weekend I organized a meetup for women bloggers in my local area. We had a great time over brunch at Granite City, sharing our projects and figuring out ways we could support each other. (My favorite part of the brunch was discovering how many of them were cupcake connoisseurs as well!) It felt amazing to be around so much positive energy. I was wondering why I hadn’t done this sooner, as it could have made a world of difference over the past few years, as I was struggling for support with my events or in my personal life.

The lesson? If your support network is small or weaker than you would like, don’t just accept it. Put in the work to grow your team. Good friends/confidantes don’t just fall out of the sky. They’re cultivated and nurtured, just like any other relationship.

My tips for you: 

  • Double-check to see who you are overlooking. Sometimes we feel like there’s no one in our corner, but perhaps we’re not looking in the right places. Do you have friends that you used to be close to, but time and distance have weakened your bonds? There’s nothing stopping you from rekindling an old friendship, particularly if there was no nasty falling out.
  • Organize some type of dinner party/get together. You need face time with your support circle. It is so easy to just stay at home and text your friends or trade “LOLs” on Twitter, but over time, that kind of connection weakens.
  • Join a shared interest organization/group. Is there a young professionals group in your city that you could connect with? Are there student organizations on campus that fit your interests? Sometimes the easiest way to make new connections is to go where folks are already looking to make new connections.
  • Use your kids. Over the past few years, I have made a few “mom friends” by befriending the parents of my kids’ friends. It has helped me tremendously as I get to know them and their family and it also helps my kids feel like they have a bigger community as well.

If you found these tips helpful, care to share it on Twitter? 

Self-care Retreat page ad

[In The Kitchen] Easy Shrimp Wontons With Scallions And Cilantro

Wontons have to be my new favorite food. I hadn’t made any in years and now in 2015, I’ve made them at least 10 times already. The best part about them? Let me count the ways:

  1. They’re cheap.At $2.50-$3.50 for 100 wonton wrappers? You can’t beat that.
  2. They’re fast. They cook up in minutes and if you get your kids to help you fill them, you can have dinner DONE in five minutes.
  3. They’re versatile. You can fill them with beef, pork, chicken, shrimp, scallops, etc. Whatever’s on sale—use it in your wonton.
  4. They’re different. It’s easy to get into a rut. Your weekly dinner looks like this: spaghetti, tacos, baked chicken, burgers, spaghetti, tacos, baked chicken….Wontons give you the chance to change it up a bit.

Plus, they can be prepared savory OR sweet. Yes, I figured out how to make a 2-minute sweet potato pie using wonton wrappers and I couldn’t be happier. Let’s get into the recipes, shall we?

First, the savory:

Tara’s Shrimp Wontons With Scallions And Cilantro

This is more of a guideline than a recipe, as you can increase or decrease the quantities depending on what your taste buds prefer 


1/2 pound shrimp (either raw or cooked, tails off)

1 medium sized red or yellow bell pepper (about the size of your fist)

1-2 stalks green onion

1 bunch of cilantro leaves

1 teaspoon Asian-style sauce (you can use teriyaki, sweet and sour sauce, etc. Just be sure to use something you would eat on its own.)

1/2 cup shredded cabbage (optional)

Salt and pepper

10-12 wonton wrappers


Dice and mix together all ingredients other than the wonton wrappers. Using a small spoon, place about 1.5 teaspoons in the center of a wonton wrapper. Use your finger to moisten the outer edges of the wrapper and fold it over, pressing the edges together. Use a fork to crimp the edges and ensure they stay closed. (If your wonton wrapper tears at this point, it’s okay. Just press it together.

shrimp wonton recipe

Fry the wontons in a skillet with over medium-high heat for 1-2 minutes per side, or until it’s golden brown. Your veggies, depending on how small your dice is, might still have a little crunch. That’s okay. It’s delicious! The finished product:

shrimp wonton

Other recipes include some type of ground meat (chicken or pork) to help bind the filling together. The first time I made shrimp wontons, I didn’t have any ground meat, so I skipped it. It’s a looser filling, but it’s not any worse than Sloppy Joes. I like to serve it with a sweet and sour sauce (Aldi’s has a orange ginger dipping sauce that is delicious!). As a side dish, something green always feels right to me. I like sauteed snow peas or even just some steamed broccoli or green beans.

YML Live: “Nine Things Happy Moms Do Differently”

nine things happy moms do differently

With so much on our plates at any given time, we have to be diligent in finding the space to be happy. That’s why my first episode of YML Live was dedicated to happy moms everywhere and those who want to join our ranks. After years of feeling less than, of feeling stressed all the time, feeling like no one appreciated me, I finally occupy a space where my days are lighter and I feel like I am in the driver’s seat.

In this episode, I discuss “Nine Things Happy Moms Do Differently,” giving you nine happiness habits to make us all stronger, happier and more fulfilled. Check it out and let me know what you think:

You Need To Choose Yourself Before You Can Truly Be Happy


This is the kind of post that really needs no intro:

“Most of my life has been spent trying to shrink myself.

Trying to become smaller. Quieter. Less sensitive. Less opinionated. Less needy. Less me. Because I didn’t want to be a burden.

I didn’t want to be too much or push people away. I wanted people to like me. I wanted to be cared for and valued. I wanted to be wanted. So for years, I sacrificed myself for the sake of making other people happy. And for years, I suffered. But I’m tired of suffering, and I’m done shrinking. It’s not my job to change who I am in order to become someone else’s idea of a worthwhile human being. I am worthwhile. Not because other people think I am, but because I exist, and therefore I matter. My thoughts matter. My feelings matter. My voice matters.

And with or without anyone’s permission or approval, I will continue to be who I am and speak my truth. Even if it makes people angry. Even if it makes them uncomfortable. Even if they choose to leave. I refuse to shrink. I choose to take up space. I choose to honour my feelings. I choose to give myself permission to get my needs met. I choose to make self-care a priority.

I choose me.” 

from Daniell Koepke, founder of the Internal Acceptance Movement

Review + Giveaway: Loving Hands Soap Shop Body Butter

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My friend Morality (who was featured in my new book, The Good Life: Pep Talks for Solopreneurs) just launched her new business, Loving Hands Soap Shop. She was gracious enough to send me three items:

All three exceeded my expectations. I knew my girl was talented but sheesh! I hadn’t even gotten the box open good before I was texting her with a thousand exclamation points.

I’ve been using them for a couple days now and I’m still just as excited as I was when I first received them. The body butter melted into my skin and left behind a sweet, grown-up scent. Like Morality suggested, I used it right after my shower and my legs were like silk! The soap is wonderful and made me wonder why I stopped using bar soap. It’s long-lasting and the scent is heavenly. Most soaps (like Ivory, unfortunately) dry my skin out, but her soap didn’t, which is a miracle in and of itself. The candle filled my room with the tropical scent.

I must say that I have been blessed with some amazingly talented friends. They make jewelry, bake delicious cakes, and now they make skincare products! I’m so happy to support them and their endeavors and I know they are happy to do the same for me.

Because I love her products so much, I am giving away one tub of body butter (you pick the scent) to a lucky reader! Follow the directions in the Rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Here’s The Problem With Waiting Until You Are “Ready”

1932330_10152621648818835_1940494734_nOver the weekend, I just finished reading “Playing Big” by Tara Mohr, a new book about taking bigger leaps in our lives and not allowing fear to derail us from pursuing who we want to be. In the book, she has an entire chapter on “hiding,” which is what we do when we’re scared of our own possibilities. We hide, we run, we delay—in short, we do everything we can to make sure we don’t have to take any leaps.

We all do it.

Heck, this blog was started because my unplanned pregnancy thrust me into motherhood before I was ready. And while I was convinced that my “surprise baby” was the worst thing that could have happened, I now know that I am stronger, more capable and more understanding than I would have been, had those two lines not showed up on the pregnancy test.

Conquer a small challenge, build confidence, tackle a bigger challenge, repeat. That’s all life is. Just a series of challenges that can either make you or break you. Once you have the confidence in yourself, you can move mountains. But you only get the confidence when you pursue something that’s a bit out of your comfort zone. See how that works?

Check yourself: What have you put off because you were scared you weren’t ready? What do you want to achieve that you are nervous about? What would you do if you weren’t scared of failing?

As an extra accountability measure, let’s identify one small step you can take to move on a goal that has scared you for too long. (If you’re feeling brave, you can tweet it, using the box below!)


Four Habits of Successful Student Mamas


by Amber Styles

Being a mom and being a college student are two of the most intensive efforts you may ever undertake. If you happen to be doing both at the same time, I promise you it *is* possible to feel some balance. The tips I’m sharing today were learned through my  own mistakes and missteps—hopefully reading them now will simplify your own path to graduation!

Research and reflect on your options.

If you are not currently enrolled in a school, take the time to learn about the tuition rates, financial aid
programs, and the atmosphere of different institutions near you (CollegeBoard search and President Obama’s College Scorecard are two great places to start).

You may prefer being on a campus with more non-traditional students where professors and peers relate more strongly with your day-to-day experiences. If you are thinking of studying online instead, make sure the school you enroll in is regionally accredited, and look into the distance learning options offered by your state’s public universities.

Be honest about your needs.

Your professors are educators because they care about helping students! Don’t be afraid to let them know when you are
facing personal circumstances that might prevent you from turning in work on time.

In my experience, most professors have generously granted extensions if a project coincided with an anticipated event (childbirth) or the unexpected (death in the family, sick baby, work conflict, etc.). Be sure to communicate the issue as early as possible so that you and your professor can agree on a solution before it is due.

Get organized.

Carry a planner or religiously record everything in a tool like Google Calendar. I found it helpful to sit down at the beginning of the semester and copy down every assigned reading, project, and exam listed on the syllabus. Doing so ensured that I wouldn’t lose track of homework amongst other work and family obligations. You will also be able to visualize the time remaining for large assignments and plan accordingly.

Take it easy.

You are not only providing for your child, you are showing them early in life that their goals are worth working hard for! Whenever you have a day off (or an evening, or just an hour), relax and remember why your education is important to you and your family.

I would wish you my best of luck, but you don’t need it. You are one badass, determined, multitasking mama!

Amber Styles was a student mama who worked full-time while completing her bachelor’s degree. She has been professionally involved in efforts to engage adult learners, K-12 students, and higher education professionals in
online learning platforms. Please feel free to reach out to her on Twitter (@ambertronnn) for any tips or support
related to this article!