Search Results for: self-care

“Back To Me” Self-Care Challenge – Day 6: Name Four People To Your Board Of Directors

company board of directos


Just joining us for the 2013 “Back To Me” self-care challenge? Catch up on all the exercises here


If there’s one thing that makes me feel better about myself, it’s taking the time to hang out with friends. So often, we get busy with family obligations, with work, with school, that we tend to put our relationships with friends on the back burner. I know I have been guilty of this from time to time, however unintentional it may have been.

But in 2013, it’s time to solidify some friendships. That’s why I chose this challenge for Day 6:

Name 4 people to your personal “board of directors”

Now, I’m not saying you grab four of your friends for monthly meetings about the progress of your life, but I am suggesting that you surround yourself with people you don’t mind taking advice from.

  1. Someone who is good with finances. He or she is always telling you how they negotiated their way to a higher salary, or they stay finding ridiculous sales at the store. Pay attention to how they handle their money and take notes if you can.
  2. Someone who’s happy in their relationship. Your chronically single friend might not be the best person to take relationship advice from but your friend who’s quietly consistent in their love for their partner? You might want to take a minute to get their input on what they do to keep their relationship alive.
  3. Someone who is just fun to be around. Life is too short to be serious all the time. You’ve got to have that one friend that brings the goofy out of you.
  4. Someone who is your biggest cheerleader. True, a lot of people in your life might not be happy for you all the time, but if you don’t have someone in your life who is sincerely thrilled when you get good news, find new people for your inner circle IMMEDIATELY.

Do you have four people in mind? Let me know how you’re doing with today’s challenge!

“Back To Me” Self-Care Challenge: Day 5 – Get Creative!

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I’ve always said that I’m not a “crafty” person. I look at stuff on Pinterest and think, “Man, how cool is that?” But I can never seem to do any of those amazing projects myself. I don’t know if I’m too much of a perfectionist (yeah, that’s it) but it definitely gets in the way of my creative juices flowing.

But I notice when I immerse myself in a creative project, I feel happier. Whether it’s just painting with my kids or trying to design my dream office (check out my Pinterest board!), I smile more. I know a lot of you are into crocheting or scrapbooking or crafts, but don’t get enough time to do it as much as you’d like.

So this is the day #5 challenge (just in time for the weekend!):

Get creative! Complete one small project that is purely for fun. Some ideas:

  • Pick up some cheap frames and create a wall display of your favorite family pictures. (I bet you’ll smile every time you see them hanging up.) 
  • Steal a few of your kids colored pencils and sketch (if you’re artistically inclined).
  • Browse the aisles at a craft store and see what moves you.
  • Make up a new dessert (peppermint mocha brownies, anyone?)
  • Go through your slimmed down wardrobe and play stylist.

Let me know how YOU plan on getting creative this weekend. Y’all know that dessert idea is calling me, right?

“Back To Me” Self-Care Challenge: Day #4 – Get A Hobby

Balls of yarn

Day #4– Get a hobby

The trick with this hobby is that it is supposed to be something fun for you. Not something that benefits the kids or makes you money, necessarily, but something that is for you and helps you unwind and deal with the stress that inevitably builds in our lives.

As I’ve said before, I have no hobbies. Unless you count writing, but even that is something I do in the course of a career. I don’t write privately anymore. Everything that my fingers tap out on the keyboard is for public consumption.

I used to bake. Each week I’d make some goodies with the intention on sharing with my husband’s coworkers, but dang, how do you eat just one cookie and wrap the rest up? My will power ain’t that strong!  I gained about 10 pounds and am trying to lose that weight so baking is out.

So I’m still looking for something to do, something that is just mine and something that’s not too expensive. I came up with a brief list below. See if anything strikes your fancy:

1) Jewelry maker. My girl Brooke from Jewelry Rockstar (she is also profiled in Make It Happen) makes beautiful pieces of jewelry and she makes it look so easy!

2) Running. Train for a 5K, then a 10K, half-marathon, marathon and more. There’s running groups, cute running gear, etc.

3) Learn to play an instrument. I don’t have any particular skills, but I’d like to learn how to play the piano (maybe because I figure I like tapping on the keyboard, it’ll translate musically? I don’t know.)

4) Sewing. So many moms are making one-of-a-kind outfits for their little ones (and some are turning it in a full-fledged business). I’d love to think I could make pretty hair bows or skirts or sweaters for my little ones.

So what’s your hobby? Please share and check out the rest of this year’s self-care challenges here.

“Back To Me” Self-Care Challenge: Day #3

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So far I’ve done a good job keeping up with the challenges. I cleaned out my closet and dresser of all the clothes that made me feel fat or look fat or just plain ol’ frumpy. So that’s good. I made my “worry list” and have a little less stress upon waking up this morning.

Which brings us to day #3.

Day #3: Bust a sweat

I don’t know about you but I’m constantly complaining of having no energy. I’m dragging from the moment I wake up until about 2 p.m. or so when my brain suddenly starts going into overdrive about all the stuff I have to do in the 45 minutes before my kids get out of school.

So I’m pledging to move more. Our new family “tradition” is to throw on a couple of songs after dinner and have a dance off. No trying to be cool or even be on rhythm. Just move your body and see how crazy you can get. Which is awesome for me since I have no rhythm. I fit right in.

Not only that but I’m back to my daily 1-mile walk. It’s just one time around the block, but there’s hills so I feel like I’ve walked further than I have. Even walking at a slow-ish pace, it still only takes me 15 minutes.

So that’s your challenge – find someway you can move your body to try to get more energy. A few suggestions:

  • Choreograph a dance to one of your favorite songs.
  • Set an alarm to go off every hour and get up and move!
  • Head to the library and get a new exercise DVD.
  • Take a walk after dinner (or before dinner).

What do you do to be active? Let me know how you’re doing with the self-care challenge so far!

“Back To Me” Self-Care Challenge For Moms: Day 2

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I did this exercise last year and you wouldn’t believe the stress I eliminated with this one simple step. See how easy it is: 

A little explanation, courtesy of Merriam-Webster:


  • to subject to persistent or nagging attention or effort
  • to afflict with mental distress or agitation; make anxious
  • to feel or experience concern or anxiety

Eww, none of that sounds good, does it? “Afflict,” “nagging,” “anxiety.” Sounds like a breakdown waiting to happen. Worry is one of those things that just don’t help. Sincerely. There’s a saying that goes, “If you’re gonna pray, don’t worry. If you’re gonna worry, don’t pray.” It took me a long, long, long time to understand that worry is just a way of fretting about things, but not actually solving problems. Hence, the day #2 challenge:

Day #2– Write a worry list.

Go ahead and write down 10 things that you worry about frequently. Don’t ask questions—just do it. I’ll be a good sport and list mine for you.

I worry that…

  • The house doesn’t stay clean.
  • That my husband and I don’t spend enough time talking together.
  • That we don’t have enough money.
  • School is taking too much of my time.
  • I’m losing touch with my friends.
  • For the foreseeable future I’m always going to be tired.
  • That my career is too demanding for me (see #6).
  • My husband and I don’t have enough bow-chicka-wow-wow time.
  • My grandparents are getting older and I don’t see them often enough.
  • I’m never gonna travel!

Wow. That’s almost scary how quickly I came up with 10 items. SMH.

Now once you’ve written down the ten things you worry about, the next step is to delete three of these items. You’re deciding right here and right now that these are the things that you will no longer stress over or worry about. Come up with a concrete reason that you cease to worry about these items. Again, I’ll show you what I mean:

I worry that…

  • The house doesn’t stay clean.
  • That my husband and I don’t spend enough time talking together. I will stop working at least 30 minutes before my husband goes to bed in order to have some time just to talk.
  • That we don’t have enough money.
  • School is taking too much of my time. I will graduate in May. I am almost there!
  • I’m losing touch with my friends.
  • For the foreseeable future I’m always going to be tired.
  • That my career is too demanding for me (see #6).
  • My husband and I don’t have enough bow-chicka-wow-wow time. Not exactly sure what I’m going to do about this, I just know it’s not a problem on his end.
  • My grandparents are getting older and I don’t see them often enough.
  • I’m never gonna travel!

See how easy that is? The goal is to get you feeling like a weight has been lifted. Too often, we stress about things that are in our control. Writing this list and deciding which items are no longer worth worrying about will give you confidence to take control of your life in the areas that count.

So go ahead and write that list and tell me what you’re crossing off. Remember that commenting on each post in the challenge enters you in the drawing for a $25 Visa gift card.