Search Results for: self-care

What I Learned Doing The 2013 Self-Care Challenge


Each time I do the self-care challenge (this is my third year) I learn something new about myself. This year was actually harder than previous years. Maybe it’s just that I’m at the end of the school journey or I’m just extra tired from the holiday season but I was drained, energy-wise and it was harder for me to keep up with the challenges.

But I forced myself to do each challenge because it had been a while since I just focused on me and my well-being. I give my all to my family every day and too often I give myself the scraps. And sometimes I don’t mind. When I fall into bed at night, exhausted, I consider that a mark of a day well lived. It only becomes a problem when for too many days in a row, I’m last on the list. I don’t get out of the house and get some alone time, I eat like crap, I’m too exhausted to work out or try to look cute.

So it’s great to do this challenge once a year and get renewed and feel more like yourself again. But what happens three months from now or six months from now? What then?

I’m challenging us to one last exercise – let’s pick one day a month where we do our best to tend to our needs all day long. For some of us, that might seem like too  much but if you think about it, it’s just twelve days a year where you decide to put yourself first. Are you with me? I hope so!

Thank you to all of you who participated in this year’s challenge! Don’t forget – you’ll be entered to win a $25 Visa gift card if you comment on each of the posts of the self-care challenge. Here’s the link if you missed any:

“Back To Me” Self-Care Challenge: Day 10 – Write 100 Things You’re Grateful For


Just joining us for the 2013 “Back To Me” self-care challenge? Catch up on all the exercises here

I included this in last year’s challenge and for me, this was one of the best things I had taken the time to do all year. I made it a point to come back to it and add to my list periodically. If you’re struggling with where you are in life, today’s challenge is for you.

Day #10 challenge – Write 100 Things You’re Grateful For

Now I know 100 things is a lot. But trust me, after you write this list, you’ll sit back and think, “Hmm…I’ve got a lot going for me in my life. This ain’t too bad.” I took 10 minutes and came up with 25 things. Over the next couple days I’ll add to the list whenever something strikes me.

1. This mild winter weather we’re having.

2. A reliable car.

3. Two healthy kids.

4. Happy husband.

5. Full fridge.

6. Working heat.

7. Having two kids who love school.

8. Netflix.

9. Good friends.

10. Good health.

11. MY house.

12. The fact that I’m only nine credits away from my Master’s degree.

13. A spacious kitchen.

14. Two sisters who are doing their own thing.

15. Two loving parents.

16. My iPhone.

17. A wonderful, supportive  community of moms here at YML.

18. Open doors to new opportunities.

19. Gmail (makes life so much easier)

20. Teachers at my daughter’s school who really know how to make learning fun.

21. Parents who love watching their grandchildren as a way to make my life easier.

22. A handful of work-at-home mom friends who know how life can be when you’re building your career and raising your kids all in the same space.

23. 30 Rock and Parks & Recreation on Thursdays.

24. A growing sense of spirituality and direction in my life.

25. My home office.

Go ahead and list a few things you’re grateful for in the comments. We want to hear ‘em! :) 

“Back To Me” Self-Care Challenge – Day 9: Go To Bed Early Three Days In A Row

tired momIt’s amazing that out of all the amazing moms I know, the majority of us are running on fumes. Between running errands, work, raising kids, doing stuff around the house, schoolwork and all the other duties that seem to fall under our domain, it is any wonder why most of us are yawning around 8 p.m.? But then all too many of us are up at night when we should be asleep, either tackling projects that didn’t get done during the day or up on Facebook and Pinterest doing Lord knows what.

Then we wake up in the morning and the cycle starts all over again. Am I right?

I’ve been reading up on sleep deprivation y’all, and it’s not pretty.

Here’s some stuff you probably already knew, from the National Institutes of Health:

You have an internal “body clock” that controls when you’re awake and when your body is ready for sleep. This clock typically follows a 24-hour repeating rhythm (called the circadian rhythm). The rhythm affects every cell, tissue, and organ in your body and how they work.

If you aren’t getting enough sleep, are sleeping at the wrong times, or have poor quality sleep, you’ll likely feel very tired during the day. You may not feel refreshed and alert when you wake up.

Sleep deficiency can interfere with work, school, driving, and social functioning. You might have trouble learning, focusing, and reacting. Also, you might find it hard to judge other people’s emotions and reactions. Sleep deficiency also can make you feel frustrated, cranky, or worried in social situations.

Yeah, all that is pretty common knowledge, right? But the physical aspect of being sleep deprived is not to be missed:

Sleep deficiency is linked to many chronic health problems, including heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, obesity, and depression.

All that sounds horrible. I don’t like it. I want no part of it.

So I hope that for most of us, today’s challenge is not too difficult.

Day 9 – Go to bed early THREE NIGHTS IN A ROW. 

Going to bed early one night will not do much of anything, I’m guessing. Two nights would probably have an effect on most people. But three nights? Your body’s going to be like, “CAN I TELL YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS???”

So set your alarm, drink some sleepytime tea or take a nice warm bath (or do all three). Whatever you need to do to get yourself a good night’s sleep, do it. You will thank me later.

Will you have a problem with this challenge? What time do you usually go to bed? What time will you go to bed for the challenge?

“Back To Me” Self-Care Challenge: Day 8 – Find Your Signature Scent


Just joining us for the 2013 “Back To Me” self-care challenge? Catch up on all the exercises here

I love scents with a hint of vanilla. Makes me feel like I’m knee-deep in cupcakes all day. Currently, I wear the Shea Cashmere line from Bath & Body Works. I’ve been experimenting with scents since I was in middle school, when I got my first body sprays that were way too sugary and chemical smelling, but were what I could afford at the time.

I went through a long Chanel phase after my grandmother bought me a bottle for Christmas and I carefully stretched that bottle for 7 years. Yes, I did. I don’t even know if you’re supposed to keep perfume that long, but I did. I still have the empty bottle on my dresser because it’s the only Chanel item I’ve ever owned and will probably be the only item for the foreseeable future.

I’ve been obsessed with the idea of a “signature scent” ever since my grandmother passed. She was an amazing woman. She helped my mother and father raise me and my sisters and she was one of my favorite people in the world. She always accessorized, piling on pearls and earrings and a couple of quick spritzes of her favorite perfume. After she died, I kept her necklaces in a box on my dresser. Every once in a while, when I miss her, I pull out a necklace or two and sniff them. I can still smell her, I can remember her laugh and her smile and the way she would hum as she moved around a room.

Scent is powerful in how people perceive you and how they remember you.

So today’s challenge: Find your signature scent. This is a cute quiz to help you figure out what types of fragrance you like.

Tell me what fragrance you’re wearing today!

“Back To Me” Self-Care Challenge: Day 7 – “Treat Yo’ Self”


Just joining us for the 2013 “Back To Me” self-care challenge? Catch up on all the exercises here

I included this in last year’s challenge but you know what? I think every mother should have at least ONE day a year (not Mother’s Day) where they can do whatever the hell they want to do. We pour ourselves in everyone else and I don’t think it’s asking too much for people to leave you to your own devices for 24 hours. So there it is:


Day #7 – Plan a “Treat Yo Self” day. 

Now. There’s three rules.

  1. You must save up for this. It is no fun and really counter-productive if you feel guilty about spending the money that you legitimately need for paying bills, buying groceries, etc. So figure out how much money you need, set a small amount aside each week and save up in order to treat yourself. 
  2. It must be something out of the ordinary. Taking yourself to get a small latte at Starbucks does not (I repeat, does not) count.
  3. It must be something that you’ve been wanting to do but put off for various reasons. Maybe it’s too far away, you didn’t want to go by yourself, you didn’t have the money, etc.

Some ideas:

  • Take yourself out on a date. Movies, pedicure, dinner for one. If hanging out by yourself is not your thing, invite a friend along.
  • Save up and spend the night in a hotel and order room service. I’m a room service junkie, even though I know it’s crazy expensive. But something about picking up a phone, ordering food, and then they bring it to your room on a tray? Hea-ven. Right here on earth.

So in the comments, I want you to look at your calendar and pick a date within the next six months (I’m giving you time to get it together!) that you will “Treat Yo’ Self.” Ready?

I’m not sure what date mine will be, I know it will be within a week of my graduation!

So spill it in the comments – when is your “Treat Yo Self” day?