Healthy Kids: 6 Tips For Picky Eaters


by Nicole K. Taylor 

“Oh come on! You LOVE green beans! Eat please?!”

“Fine. Don’t eat it! But you’re not getting anything else!”

“No you can’t have a sandwich! You should’ve eaten your dinner!”

If you’re the mother of a picky eater, I’m sure these phrases sound pretty familiar.

Dealing with a picky eater can be difficult and establishing good eating habits can seem downright impossible. But finally, after much observation, research and flat out desperation, I figured it out.

Check out these six tips I use to ensure my kid is enjoying mealtime and getting her fill of nutrients.

1. Don’t Force Feed: As adults we have to remember that our children’s stomachs are much smaller than ours. If they say they’re full, nine times out of ten, they are. Don’t make them eat until you think they should be full. This creates habits of overeating and that will eventually do more harm than good.

2. Listen To Your Child: My daughter would tell me what she wanted on her plate and what she didn’t. I’d ignore her and fix her plate the way I wanted to fix it. She’d eat what she said she wanted and leave the rest. I’ve since learned that giving a child options and allowing them to express their likes and dislikes is OK to do. Just because they’re little doesn’t mean they should never have a part in decision-making.

 3. Get Help With Groceries: I always allow my daughter to add a few items to the grocery list or pick out some things as we walk the aisles of the store. I negotiate the junk food picks for nutritional substitutes and then allow her to choose. She gets excited about eating the things she picked out.

4. Let Them Help In The Kitchen: My daughter loves helping me prepare meals. She’s always so proud to tell her dad that she helped make his dinner and she almost always eats everything on her plate when she’s had a part in the preparation.

 5. Be Patient: If you’re kid loved green beans last week but acts as though they’re completely poisonous this week, don’t flip out. Kids are always exploring and discovering newness. Find out what it is that they like this week and try to incorporate that into your meals.

6. Eat Together: Family meals are very important in my household. Eating together not only affords us the opportunity to spend quality time daily but it allows my daughter to see everybody eating the same foods. She may have been reluctant to try the squash casserole at first but seeing mommy indulge inspires her to do the same.

Dealing with a picky eater doesn’t have to be a “pull your hair out” type of session. With a bit of creativity and patience, you can enjoy the experience of discovery with your little one.

What tips can you share that inspire good eating habits? How have you learned to deal with your picky eater?

Nicole Taylor is a mommywife, blogger, author and speaker who seeks to empower modern women globally. Through her blog she’s created a platform where women can obtain information, share stories and receive the inspiration needed to continue living a life fueled by destiny. Check her out at, follow her on Twitter and become a part of the Facebook community!


  1. I would add that you should try the same rejected food multiple times. Don’t give up and not give it to them again if they reject it once or 10 times. The 11th or 39th time might be the charm.