{Self-Care Challenge} Are You In?

I had a meltdown over the weekend due to some mounting stress that I had no outlet for.

You see (and this is hard to admit), I have no life outside of my children and my husband. I rarely hang out with my friends anymore, I’m working long hours and I spend 80% of the day with a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old. Don’t get me wrong – I love my kids and my family is thriving right now.

But I’m not thriving. Big things are happening, sure, but in terms of my self-care, things have been lacking a bit.

So I’m introducing a new self-care challenge this week. It’s been two years (really?) since my last Happy Mom challenge and I feel the need to do it again.

Join me on Twitter this week with some fun ways to take care of yourself first.

Day #1 challenge Get a new accessory. 

Depending on your budget, it might not be possible to go shopping so often. But you can usually squeeze out $5 for a cool bracelet or pair of earrings. Check out some Etsy finds:


  1. Thanks for posting this challenge. We have the same lives and I need to take more time for myself too. I will be participating! I do need new earrings. :)

  2. My meltdown came last week. So, this self care challenge is just what I need.

  3. I completely understand what you are feeling. Between a stressful full time corporate job, my hubby, and my 2 girls (5yrs & 16 months) I lost everything that was me. My husband kept telling I needed to take care of me but I just couldn’t figure out how. But I realized that despite how much I loved my family and how wonderful family life was I was not happy. I did not know who was looking back at me in the mirror. So I made some New Year’s resolutions. The 1st being I was going to get my work out on. I know this is everyone’s resolution. But it is different for me because before the hubby and kids that was the one thing that that made me most happy. I LOVED being in the gym 2 hrs. a day and 3 hrs. on the weekend. And the gym was the only place i felt beautiful. The 2nd was actually stop using my family as an excuse and put some REAL effort into my home based business. This one is challenging with all my family obligation but it is important to me and helps me capture that feeling of success. And lastly I wanted to spend some time with friends and make new friends. So I planned Girl’s Night Out for the next 6 months. And I promised myself I would have a blast with whoever showed up and not let my feelings get hurt by those who did not come. For January we did Friday Night @ Fridays! This was a blast and I even had a drink (I don’t drink). February I am hosting a direct sales party, March is a Wine & Dessert party, April is Zumba Party, May is Cocktails and Games, and for June I wanted to do something a little different so I am planning a Big Hat Brunch. So the point of this long reply is you can make time for yourself, it just takes effort and planning. And you will be happier and so will your family. A happy Wife is a happy Life. A mom who takes care of herself teaches her children how to take care of themselves. Thank you for the tip and I am going to buy me some earrings and a pair of 12lb weights today.

  4. I’ve not had a meltdown for a while : ) BUT I think this challenge is something I should do too – you know, just for prevention purposes … : )p

  5. You’re absolutely right that when we as moms put ourselves in the backseat, we feel depleted, lonely and lose the joy we should have as moms.

    It is definitely a worthwhile challenge to take steps to make ourselves a priority – today!

    I love to advise moms to rediscover an old hobby or find a new one as one way to nurture their spirit. It may seem impossible to squeeze in time for painting, dancing, playing piano or knitting in an already busy day – but just 30 minutes for you per day will go a long way toward making momma a much happier lady.

  6. Count me in on this challenge, I do need something else to do outside of my family (other than blogging). Usually it’s baking, but all that does is add on the pounds, and makes me workout harder.

  7. I’m in! And it is right on time, not only do I need this, cause I can feel a meltdown coming on, but I received a $25 gift card for amazon because I took a survey, and I was able to get myself a nice watch! They are having an 80% off sale! Yay!!

  8. Good for you!!!! This is an awesome challenge Tara. I actually have a mini life outside of my family and I STILL MELTDOWN. My new challenge is taking care of my body better. I started at the gym last week :)

    • Ditto on your reply!!! LOL My new challenge is enhancing my outer beauty with makeup, accessories, skin care and natural hair care!

      And, ladies…if there’s a Forever 21 in your area, they have a wide assortment of accessories with a variety of price points. I’ve gotten some super cute earrings there for $1.50! #winning

  9. My meltdown showed up a month ago. I’m still recovering! I like this idea!

  10. I admit to allowing everything else to come before my own time. I vow to get more of the old Christine back namely my exercise routine.

  11. I just stumbled across your blog and LOVE this post. What a fun idea to “get a new accessory” for the first challenge. One of my favorite things to “splurge” on is yummy-scented hand soap. If you haven’t read, The Mother’s Guide to Self-Renewal, by Renee Trudeau. I highly recommend it. The book is broken up into 12 chapters so the idea is to take one chapter/theme per month to work on it. It’s all about self-care and how we are so busy taking care of others that we don’t make time for ourselves, but as she quotes from Audre Lord, “self-care is not about self-indulgence, it is about self-preservation”. I’ve been leading Personal Renewal Groups based on the book for several years now and can tell you how transformational it is. Best wishes for a fun and rejuvenating self-care challenge until we can all get to a point where this is second nature.

  12. I found your blog through Eboni’s, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. My son is 9 months old, and I’m a SAHM. My life revolves completely around my son and my husband, and there are many days when I feel like I’m doing it all wrong. I’ve lost a ridiculous amount of weight, cut my hair, and spend most of my days in sweatpants…I’m trying to get back to the me I used to be.

    • @InnerDiva – It is hard not to get wrapped up in your new role as Mommy. I’ve gotten lost twice (after the birth of both of my kids) but I’m learning to stop, take a breath and remember that I am a woman first and my role as their mom complements all the other pieces of me. Here’s to getting our mojos back! *clink*

  13. This post like READ MY MIND! You’re not alone girl. I think what you’re doing is great. Mothers have to realize that they have to keep their own sanity to be able to care for another!!!