Baby weight update

I told you about my exercise quest at the beginning of the month. My current goal is to be 10 pounds lighter by Valentine’s Day (a day I will be spending in class, but that’s neither here nor there).

I’m still doing the 30 Day Shred, although my knees are sore and my motivation is waning. I’ve even added some Zumba and began doing additional exercises (lunges, jumping jacks, crunches, etc) to help speed up the process.

I’m getting impatient because my scale isn’t making me happy. I mean, I’ve been eating right, skipping brownies and cake, working out at least 30 minutes a day, drinking nothing but water, and the scale has not budged. As my friend would say, Mr. Scale is about to meet Mr. Pavement if he doesn’t start acting right!

But I have to take a deep breath and realize this is a journey. I didn’t gain all this weight in 30 days, so I shouldn’t expect to have it slide off in 30. My love of cupcakes and the battle with emotional eating has left me feeling not so good in my own skin.

I’ve gone back and forth about whether I’d post before and after pictures and I think I will. You gotta hold me to it, though, so I don’t act like a punk and back out. The thought of having to show you evidence of all my hard work is probably the only thing that will make me put the ice cream down when I’m having a craving at 2 a.m.

So periodically, I’ll be checking in. Let you know how I’m doing, what my challenges are and where I’m excelling.

If anyone else is kickstarting an exercise program and wants to join me, you know where to find me. :)


  1. Im here with you! I posted mine up.. soo NO PRESSURE.. to put yours up.. NO PRESSSURE AT ALL! (he He!

    .-= Romaine´s last blog ..Prayer &amp Arm Circles =-.

  2. Tara, when I started my serious workout this past summer, I was sooo determined to lose 10 pounds…and when by the second month i had only lost 5 I became very discouraged! I’ve been working out six times a week for the past 7 months and have lost 11 pounds. My doctor told me that as long as my clothes were fitting different, the scale didn’t matter. Once i got into that mentality things have begun to look better for me. You’re doing great…keep it up :)

    • @Lisetto…I have to agree with you. Everyone keeps telling me I look like I am losing weight, but I can’t tell by the scale but the clothes do tell. I was going to give up, but I was not going to benefit from that. So I’m staying encouraged and I’m continuing to keep working out and trying to eat right.

  3. Shayla Barnes says:

    Hey Tara!

    I too am doing the 30 day shred along with counting calories. My friend and I have posted our before pics on her blog. Check it out at

    I’ve lost only a little under 5 pounds but I’ve lost 4 inches off my waist, 2 inches off my leg and hips. Keep going don’t give up. Its hard as all get out but you can do it!

  4. Good luck with your weightloss! Don’t give up. I just started the Insanity workout, more for getting in shape and switching things up, less for losing weight and it’s hard. I look forward to following your journey :)