Guest post over on Ms. Mary Mack

I started the week with some self-promotion, telling you where else to find me on the web. And now I’m ending it the same way (figure you’d like a double-dose of the goodness).

I wrote a guest post over at Ms. Mary Mack, the online home of Ms. Nicole Blades, who is quickly becoming one of my favorite people on the planet. Love.her.

Be sure to check out “A Young Mom’s Lament,” about my first (failed!) attempt to set up a playdate for my daughter. I’m crying ageism, but read it and let me know what you would do in that situation. Be sure to tell Nicole the Young Mommy (Tara) sent you!


  1. Danielle Charlton says:

    I think what I would do is maybe try an outing for the playdate with another friend so that other person would be the common between you guys and then the kids can play and at least if she never wants to do it again at least you did once.