Best of 2009…

Everyone’s running their own “Best of 2009” lists and I’d be a big dummy if I didn’t too. I’ll be real with you. I’m in the midst of a two-week vacation from work and I plan on doing some real relaxation that I never ever ever get the chance to do. These posts are to keep your interest until I get back. Because I won’t be on the computer all day every day like I am normally.

But because I love my readers so much, I wanted to leave you with a little something to read and laugh and ponder. :)

Here’s a post I wrote early in 2009 to help you stay on track during the year. Still good advice (if I do say so myself)!

Originally posted January 2, 2009

So you’ve made your resolutions, right?

Probably the same ones you make every year, although this year’s list might sound a little like this:

Read more books.

Lose the baby weight.

Don’t get pregnant again.

Save more money.

Be a better mother/wife/girlfriend/friend/daughter.

Do NOT (under any circumstances) get pregnant again.

No? It’s just me? Oh, okay. :)
But to make sure you don’t even up having to make the same resolutions year after year, here are a few tidbits to help you stay on track:

  • Make your goals prominent. Put a little Post-It on your computer monitor, write it in a journal, make your computer desktop image something related to your goals.  
  • Once a week, brainstorm ways to reach your goals and follow through on them for that week. If it doesn’t work, you can reevaluate your methods the following week. (Genius, right?)
  • Reward yourself for following through. If one of your goals was to lose weight and you find yourself three pounds lighter, treat yourself to a new pair of shoes.
  • Make a new resolution with your kids. My daughter loves to read, so I’ve resolved to read her at least three books a night to foster her love of learning. It helps to be accountable to your kids.

What tactics/tricks/strategies are you using to help you stay on track? Let me know in the comments!


  1. I love the reservations from last year (lol), especially the emphasis on not getting pregnant again. You *aint* lying. Having been married for just a year Im only now realizing how difficult (and important) it actually is to adhere to this. If we’re not careful we could easily end up like John and Kate Plus 8. *smh*

    Enjoy your time off. I hope you get plenty of rest and YOU time!

    • @Yakini – Thank you, ma’am! Yes, it is vitally important that we do not expand our family again. LOL! I’m ringing in the New Year doing the cabbage patch, “I didn’t get pregnant! I didn’t get pregnant!” LOL.

  2. LOL, You’re so funny. I love the “don’t get pregnant” resolutions. Thats definitely one of mine, too. Honestly, I’ve never been good with sticking to a New Years resolution…I’ve never really made them with any conviction or intent to follow through. Maybe I should start.
    1. Don’t get pregnant again (had to take that one, not only were yours hilarious, its soo true. But hey, I’ve been doing good for 3 years now…what is it they say? 3rd times the charm? Hopefully it doesn’t apply for 3rd years the charm…) Even though, I did visit my great grandma yesterday and she kept telling me I need to have another baby. She thinks my son is too lonely. Hmph.
    2. Write to my adopted soldier at least once a week, and send him a package once a month (I just recently adopted him)

    Hm…I’ll have to think of more…