Stay on track in 2009

So you’ve made your resolutions, right?

Probably the same ones you make every year, although this year’s list might sound a little like this:

Read more books.

Lose the baby weight.

Don’t get pregnant again.

Save more money.

Be a better mother/wife/girlfriend/friend/daughter.

Do NOT (under any circumstances) get pregnant again.

No? It’s just me? Oh, okay. :)

But to make sure you don’t even up having to make the same resolutions year after year, here are a few tidbits to help you stay on track:

  • Make your goals prominent. Put a little Post-It on your computer monitor, write it in a journal, make your computer desktop image something related to your goals.  
  • Once a week, brainstorm ways to reach your goals and follow through on them for that week. If it doesn’t work, you can reevaluate your methods the following week. (Genius, right?)
  • Reward yourself for following through. If one of your goals was to lose weight and you find yourself three pounds lighter, treat yourself to a new pair of shoes.
  • Make a new resolution with your kids. My daughter loves to read, so I’ve resolved to read her at least three books a night to foster her love of learning. It helps to be accountable to your kids.

What tactics/tricks/strategies are you using to help you stay on track? Let me know in the comments!


  1. You ain’t neva lied, lol. Those darn resolutions… I’m right with you with the goals. I’m working on my lists right now. Those are some great tips on how to not fall into “the trap”. I’m getting me a brand new jounal to start the year. I’m gonna also start a journal for my daughter, writing her letters. I’m gonna start to keep a journal for her once a year so she’ll have her little life in print, lol.