Monday Morning Inspiration: Who’s Stopping You?

I am my biggest critic. I’m a perfectionist. If I do something, I notice if it’s not perfect, which it usually isn’t and I kick myself about things I could have done differently.

As a result, my first instinct is to say no to things or fret about all the reasons an idea I have isn’t going to work. But if I really sit back and think about it, the only person in my way is myself.

We can sit and talk about how our bosses hate us or how our family takes up too much time for us to get our ideas off the ground. But if we really commit ourselves to our goals and dreams, things have a way of working themselves out. So we have to push ourselves and be our own cheerleaders.

I was hesitant to do my first webinar last Friday because I thought to myself, “Who am I to be giving blogging tips? My blog isn’t the biggest. What do I really know about giving webinars? Nothing, that’s what.”

But all that doesn’t matter. None of that matters. If I had listened to myself whenever I had doubts about something, I wouldn’t have accomplished half of the things I can claim credit to.

So remember this: no one is stopping you but you. If you want to be a better mother, go be that mother you want to be. If you want to be a better wife or girlfriend, do it. Whatever you want to do – that’s what you need to do.

It seems so simple but sometimes we need to hear the simple things in order for them to make sense again.

So your assignment for this week is to think about one thing you told yourself wouldn’t work. Think back to the last time you talked yourself out of something. You felt a little scared, a little unprepared, a little unsure. Now remember that the only thing that you need to change is your mindset. Now go do it.


  1. Love these Monday Morning Inspiration posts. You’re so on the money. We do need to become our own biggest cheerleaders and take leaps of faith instead of waiting around for others to cheer us on.

  2. Wow, I remember coming across your blog when you first started.

    I have talked myself out of doing a lot. Even blogging, when everyone I knew didn’t understand. I am well aware that I often stand in the way of my own success. It really is time to stop being afraid.

  3. I needed to read this today. I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything that’s going on this month and a little reluctant to do a few things that I want to do and need to do. And lately, I’ve been thinking of every excuse in the book not to do what I want and need to do. Thanks for the “virtual” push, Tara!

  4. I definitely needed to read this today.