{Self-Care Challenge} Day #4 – Post Three Affirmations Around Your House

Read the rest of the challenges here. 

I can admit freely that I am not a “glass is half full” kinda gal. I want to be and I really, really try, but most days I’m shaking my fists and muttering under my breath, “Why can’t anything go right??”

But that changes now. I’ve got a lot on my plate and there’s got to be some way to survive it all. How can I maintain a more positive attitude, keep my focus when things get hectic (which lately has been every damn day), and not melt under the stress?

I asked my sister and she suggested I do some affirmations, short positive statements that you repeat to yourself daily to put you in a more aware and focused frame of mind.

Today’s challenge:

Day #4 – Come up with three affirmations and post them in different places around your house. I’d suggest putting one someplace you will see when you first wake up, and another one someplace you’ll see when you get home from work/school/picking the kids up, etc. But again, this is up to you.

Here are mine:

I always need energy. Always.
















In the morning, I’m always dragging a bit, so I figured I’d put these on the bathroom mirror (ignore the dirt) to give myself a boost each morning.

Usually. Most of the time. Doesn't hurt to repeat it.
















I posted this one on my kids’ bedroom door, to give me a quick reminder before I open their bedroom door in the morning. I’m hoping this will keep me in the “It’s a blessing to be their mama” mindframe, versus the “Lord, if these kids say, ‘Mommy, can I have…’ one more time I’ll scream” mindframe.

Do share: What are your affirmations?


  1. Last week I actually printed out some free printables. My favs are “Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.” and “Life is a beautiful ride.” Umm and “Quit slackin’, make shit happen!” Not really positive but it’s enough to keep me on track somewhat.

  2. Mine are: ‘Today is a blessed &joyous day,’ ‘I am more than enough,’ and ‘I will be successful & achieve my dreams.’

  3. Mine are: ‘Love and be lovable!; ‘Channel the energy into positive things!’ and ‘Make the time to feel cute!’… Thanks for this Tara. I’m off to write them on post-its : ) Also, Sheena, that’s a great idea. I see many quotes that inspire me. I think I’m gonna print them off and stick them into my unused frames…