{Uterus Update} Do We Dare Have Another Kid?

My oldest is now 5 (wow!) and my baby is 3.

Most moms admit that once the kids get out of diapers and into school, it’s tempting to think, “Maybe we should just have one more…?”

There’s something about having a baby in the house. Yes, it’s exhausting and you’re doing so much laundry and so little sleeping. But it’s a magical time. I’ve been having “baby cravings” for a couple months now, and while I think it might have something to do with my daughter starting school, I think it might have to do with something else entirely: I’d get another shot to excel as a Mom right out the gate.

I feel like I’ve learned so much now. When my daughter came home, I was a blubbering mess and didn’t have a clue as to how to proceed. I fumbled with breastfeeding, with patience, with nightly feedings, with everything until finally one day….I got it.

But on the other hand…three kids? I just can’t see it. I know plenty of moms have more than two kids and some even have a sizeable age range. They manage to make it look at least doable. My husband has officially put his, um, junk in retirement and wouldn’t have another kid if you paid him. He just keeps on praying for the Mirena and does a little happy dance when I get my friendly “not pregnant” reminder every month.

It’s not that I really want another kid. My two keep me busy all days of the night. But I do miss that baby stage. What I wouldn’t give for a whiff of that newborn smell. Ahh…

Let’s talk baby fever. Who has it, besides me? 


  1. Me.. and I have a newborn! Talk about bad. Of course not right now, but I’m already thinking of another in a few years. Hubby says no that two is enough though,, we’ll see.

  2. Mike Mitchum says:

    I’m with my boy, Tommy J.; my junk is in retirement (according to my plan anyway) and I know exactly how that dance goes! I only have one child, who doesn’t even live with me, and I don’t want any more! It would be nice to have a larger family and lots of kids to come home and visit you for the holidays when they’re older, but I seriously DO NOT want to deal with the baby and/or toddler stages. If they could be born at 5 or 6 years old, i’d be like, “Cool!”

    I have young nieces (4 and 6) who, as they grew up, served as reaffirmation that I don’t want to rear any more infants and/or toddlers. To each his/her own though.

    BTW, You do know that God is currently laughing at us while we make plans, right? :)

  3. I was ready for another as soon as my baby boy popped out last year! Although, now that Jaxson is a year old, I’m not so much in a rush to have another. Because, WOW, a monkey climbing 1 year old is a LOT of work! I also can’t imagine how to balance 3 kids, but I thought the same thing when I had my second and we’re making it! I figure there are tons of other moms out there that do it so God will help me, too :-)

    Baby fever is especially bad around ovulation time, I literally crave a baby. Then it passes or we have a rough day with bad attitudes and I thank God that I’m not pregnant yet. I trust in God’s timing, but some days I’m dreading it because it is so much work and adjustment…some days I can’t wait because I still LOVE it. Those great mommy moments are worth it, right?

  4. It’s weird because I do on occasion but I know that I don’t actually want to raise one. I sometimes miss all of the nice parts of having a little baby, and think it would be fun for my 3-year-old to have a playmate, but I have no interest in dealing with the stress of another child. I also sometimes wish that I could have the experience of “planning” a baby, but I don’t actually want the baby- just the plan!

    So yeah, I sometimes I have baby fever when I see a little baby and think “awwww”, but I remind myself that its a lot cuter on a baby that I don’t have to take care of-lol!

  5. I have it bad!! My oldest is 9! And I have a 2yr old, both boys, and I want to try one more time for a girl, hubby is not going for it. He too loves my Mirena! It also does not help, that two of my close friends are pregnant, one with baby #3 and the other with baby #6!!

  6. Tara let me tell you, that baby fever is something else! My baby is 4 months and I still have baby fever! I think I enjoy being pregnant and the whole birth experience. When I see a pregnant woman, I want to be pregnant too!

  7. OMG I have so bad and I’m in denial! My son is 2, won’t be three until late this year. I’m so deep into the baby fever that I know if I get pregnant in the fall (right when he turns three and is successfully potty trained) I would have a baby by spring/early summer of 2013. And I’m plotting it. Plus, you have to rememeber, I’m a Labor and Delivery nurse..I hold a precious little newborn every time I go to work! But I’m in denial…..

  8. I swore that I would probably not have baby fever because one was enough. Frankly I was always shocked about people struggling and having more children and I didn’t understand why they would put themselves through the stress… And now… well… I’d love a little baby in the house. I miss it so much. I completely understand the fever. Completely. Kids, they get you EVERY time.

  9. I’m in baby fever! I so want another one. Zee will be 3 next month, and I’m so ready for another newborn in the house. Yes, it’s a lot of work, but dang…that milk smell is awesome!

  10. I have it and that’s all I’m sayin’ ;-).

  11. I find myself missing that baby stage the closer JJ gets to his first birthday but I think at this point and time two is plenty. However, I’m totally open to having another one five years down line when it’s time to switch out my Mirena.

  12. If I was younger I would totally have one or two more. I do babysit for friends so I live vicariously through their babies :)

  13. I’m in thesame state of mind right now. Lord knows I want one, but my wallet says no :)

  14. Sometimes I worry that I’ll NEVER have baby fever…!

  15. Mine will be 10 this year, and he’s the only one. I’ve debated off and on – Baby? No baby? Not sure. Let’s see what lies ahead, shall we?

  16. I feel exactly the same way…I have 3 kids at the moment, 2 of them are twins! So for me I really love being pregnant and when I had twins I felt cheated out of a pregnancy LOL and I aslo didnt get to enjoy the newborn baby stage with them like I did with my first : ( It was really overwhelming more then anything….So in about another 2 yrs I feel like I might be ready to appreciate having a baby one last time, cuz 4 is my limit!!! Being a surrogate mom has crossed my mind since I like being pregnant, but I wanted to make sure I had one more child before I had someone elses… just in case I encountered issues that might keep me from having my own in the future! Luckily for me my husband is on board with the new baby idea : )

  17. I love love loved the baby stage. I constantly tell friends (jokingly of course) that I could have twenty kids, if they never got past the age of one. In seriousness, I do debate this issue. My current boyfriend mentions that while he loves my daughter, he’d want to have kids that were just our’s. Also, this summer marks the end of my college career, in time for my daughter to start school. All of that free time would be great for another baby, and yet… that intimacy of one on one time with my daughter is just too awesome and would be altered if there were a baby in the picture. Also (selfishly) I just got back into shape, finally…

  18. Omg! I too have baby fever my son is 7 now so i think im ready to go one more/last time lol. Plus I will be 30 in 2 weeks so …… Planning for a spring 2014 baby *crosses fingers* got app. to remove my Mirena next month. Pray 4 a sistah