Crazy Little Thing Called Love

When people ask me, “Tara, how do you do it?” I usually mutter something about how I’m still exhausted and I’m just doing the best I can, but I have to give credit where credit is due. This man is simply amazing. Without complaint, he listens to me vent. This man has lifted me up over and over and over again. This year has been one of the hardest years of my life as I try to figure out what I’m meant to do on this earth: Am I supposed to be a blogger? How do I take this blog to new heights? Am I an editor? A life coach? An author? All of the above? None of the above?

It’s a crazy confusing path and I admit it’s knocked me down quite a few times this year. I considered calling it quits many times, resigning myself to the fact that maybe I don’t have what it takes to create a career entirely from scratch, especially in light of the fact that I have two young children.

But my husband has never, ever tried to make that decision for me. He knows my strength and gently reminds me of it when I forget. For my birthday last weekend, he spent the whole day turning our guest room into an office for me, because he knew having a dedicated space to work would do wonders for my productivity. He didn’t look for applause or even a huge “Thanks.” He did it because it needed to be done. He did it for me.

I don’t talk about him that much on the blog (and when I do I’m usually complaining…lol) but he is the reason you keep reading these posts. Because without him, my life would be that much more hectic and overwhelming and incomplete. Not ashamed to say that I need him in my life.

Today is his birthday. I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate him than by using this space, the space he helped me build, to share how much he means to me. Honey, if you’re reading, I would most definitely marry you all over again.


At my college graduation in 2007...ever supportive



  1. Very sweet post! I hope he has a great day!

  2. Not ashamed to say that I need him in my life.

  3. “Not ashamed to say that I need him in my life.” That is profound and many women would never admit that they need their man.

  4. That crazy little thing called love sure does go a long way – doesn’t it?

  5. You should put your newest family photo in this post!

  6. A supportive husband makes a world of a difference!

  7. Aww! This made me tear up! I completely understand… My fiance knows I rarely get sleep at night because my daughter doesn’t like to go to bed until 2am, at the earlies and she’s 2.5 years old. Then I can finally shower and work on homework for 2-3 hours and then have to be at work at 11am. So when he gets home from work at 6:30am after working midnights, he sits with my daughter while I sleep and then has me a cup of coffee and a bagel ready. This man has only supported me and embraced the positive in my decisions. He pushes me to reach my goals and I couldn’t do any of the great things I do without him.