Damn, I’m Tired

What about you? Are you tired?

Do you curse your alarm clock when it goes off in the morning? Do you hate the fact that you have to wake up when it’s still so dark outside?

Do you promise yourself that THIS will be the night you go to bed early, but then you drag yourself in the bed post-midnight once again?

Would you give your left arm for a decent night’s sleep that you wake up rested from?

Even though there’s a Starbucks on every corner, do you still wish there was one, like, on your block? Or that they delivered?

Do you love your kids more than life itself, but you also acknowledge the fact that they are energy vampires?

Do you find yourself annoying people with your “I’m so tired!” proclamations every day?

If you find yourself answering “Yes” to three or more of these questions, then you may just be….me.

Okay, so I’m asking honestly: How do you get energy? What’s your secret? 



  1. when someone answers that question, please tell me because I am trying to find that out myself!

  2. I take vitamins… It helps but not really. I find that when I work out I have more energy but darn it – I don’t have time to work out!!!!!!!

  3. let me know when you find the solution. bottle it up & ship it over here, thanks!!!!

  4. I have recently started meditating! It is AMAZING! 10, to 15 minutes a day is all you need. I recently started having intense anxiety attacks, and trouble sleeping at night, making me all the more tired! just try it! there is nothing to loose! and you can youtube search, guided meditation to help you get started.

  5. Danielle C says:

    Tara I can’t lie…I LIVE on coffee maybe like 3-4 tall glasses of instant…and my doctor just told me I have ADHD and I am on medicine for that.. It helps me to focus more . The only thing is that the side effect is that it keeps you awake…like OMG it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. But in the past I used to do do doze and mountain dew as well for the caffeine . But another option I love is diet coke ( can not bottle) caffeine without calories…I have to go get ready for work now 10-6… Girl I feel you.. I’m so tired that I want to cry but I keep telling myself it’s only temporary. Oh I wish you lived in Connecticut…

  6. I agree, working out helps but feels impossible! Someone gave me good advice recently to just not think about it…dwelling on it can just make you feel worse!

    • @Chaunie – I’ve never gotten to the point where exercising gave me energy. I was always worn out. But I bet if I did it consistency that I’d begin to feel the effects!

  7. I have heard that an apple contains more natural stimulants than a cup of coffee… And it’s got to be better for you 😉

    • @Momo – I’ve heard that too! I’ve been chomping on apples all winter. I do perk up a bit after I eat one.

  8. I take vitamins, but all that does is help me be less tired than I would be if I didn’t take them…make sense huh? I so wish I had an answer for this, cause I’m just like you. My daughter wakes up in the morning, and she’s a wound up toy ready to go with no breaks.

    I want to drink coffee, but since I nurse, I know she’ll get some of that caffeine and Lord knows, she DON’T need it.

  9. I take vitamins and I try to drink more water, it has to be super ice cold so that it shocks my body into moving. That helps me a lot in the mornings…when I remember to do it.

    I drink coffee at times, but I’m trying to stop doing it. But it’s sooo hard when there’s a Starbucks on every corner near my job.

  10. Yes! I’m always exhausted in the morning and I always say I will go to bed earlier at night but I can never do it. I feel like I’m either a) missing something or b) there’s some task/activity that needs my attention. Coffee is my luvah! Love your site :)