{She Inspires} Lisette Orellana, Advocate For Young Mothers

Lisette has been featured on my blog before, in the oh so powerful post 15 & Pregnant. She told me, “Remember that being a mommy doesn’t mean that YOU don’t exist anymore and that you must make yourself happy and be at peace with yourself before moving on and making your children happy.” I keep that with me and remember to take out a little time for me each day. Keep reading for more on one of my favorite young mothers:


Name: Lisette Y. Orellana

Age: 25 (yes, i’m having a hard one with that one!)

Blog name/URLhttp://singlemamachronicle.tumblr.com/

Kids (How many? How old are they?): I am a mommy to a nine year old girl, and a seven year old boy.


Being a young mom is…without a doubt the most enjoyable enriching and humbling experience any woman can take part of.

When someone says I inspire them, I say…ahh! This was a tough one! I always say “Thank You.” I always ask their story, because I know that deep down, they can find their own inspiration in the most important person…themselves.

Whenever I have a moment of free time I look forward to….enjoying what I have now. I’m always on the go. Running around. Emailing, talking, reading, researching. When all those things are done, and I have a moment to myself when I can just on the couch and actually watch some tv or read a book, I sit back and think of all the good things life has thrown at me. And I enjoy it. It makes me feel so happy and at peace with myself.

On really tough days…I give myself time out. It’s the only way I can keep sane. As soon as I feel like the morning routine is not going as planned, lunches aren’t ready by 6:40 a.m., the weather is colder than I thought, or maybe the day was just too stressful, I run to my room and tell the kids to give me three minutes (not five, it’s too normal for me). I take a deep breath and compose myself. It works, and my kids are learning another coping skill to deal with their emotions.

My kids make me feel like…I’m a superhero! they’re always saying how I’m the best at everything, and for once…i believe it!

If my kids can only remember one thing I taught them…I hope it’s that they remember we all have a story. To not be judgmental and to always listen before forming an opinion about someone.

I feel like a great mom when…at the end of the day they say how much they love me. When they smile for no reason and show me how happy they are. When at night I realize that this is a journey we’re taking together…and that along the way they’re learning independence, kindness, respect, and perseverance. I can’t believe i’m responsible for that!

The most surprising thing about motherhood is…how it makes you understand why your parents did what they did with you!

If I could have/invent one item to make motherhood easier it would be…oh wow…I think back on the Jetsons and would like to have a little robot that follows me everywhere as soon as the kiddos go to bed…I would get foot massages, back rubs…and maybe it could pour me a glass of wine here and there :) (Now there’s something to think about!)

My personal motto is…“Live…your life to the absolute fullest. Laugh…because there’s always something worth laughing about. Love…what you do, and the people around you”


  1. Love it! Lisette, I’d love to interview you for my blog too if you’re up for it! I love the inspiring young mom stories! :)

  2. Great interview! (love the new site design too!)

  3. Lissette: Congratulations! You are truly remarkable and I am so proud to have met you. You are an inspiration to all.