{She Inspires} Josie, Fitness Blogger, Lover of Food

I’ve struggled with my weight for years. Well, I shouldn’t say that. I’ve struggled with my weight after having my son in 2008. After my daughter was born in 2006, I had a wedding to prepare for, and I shed all of my baby weight by my six-week check-up (those were the days).

But during my second pregnancy, I had just started a new full-time job and now I was taking care of a toddler as well. Sweets became my comfort and I gained more weight (but still not unreasonable) with that pregnancy. The weight did not come off by my six-week cheek-up, nor my three-month check-up, or any other check-up for that matter. I just couldn’t seem to shed the weight and every resource I checked just told me to suck it up and sweat it out.

Then I found Josie, the blogger behind YumYucky.com. For the first time, here was a woman (a mother!) openly talking about her love for cake and pies and her hard she had to work to motivate herself to get up and do the work. Nothing about this was going to be easy, and Josie assured her readers that she was in the struggle too. I really admired that and continued to follow along as Josie’s weight loss journey inspired me to start my own.

So, really, I had to invite Josie to get her own feature on my blog, because she has inspired my approach to fitness more than anyone else. Truly. So get to know this loveable blogger (who is also “one of us”) and prepare to meet your new fitness buddy.

Name: Josie Maurer

Age: 38

Blog name/URL: YumYucky.com

Kids (How many? How old are they?): I birthed 4 child-spawns: 18-year-old daughter (she just entered college), 15-year-old son, 6-year-old son and 2-year-old daughter (Greedy Baby).

I got on my personal health and fitness journey because….I wasn’t myself. That overweight woman I saw in the mirror wasn’t me. And being overweight and out of shape made me extremely tired and lethargic. I couldn’t even run and play with my kids. Things had to change.



I may have moments of weakness but I stay strong by….By acknowledging that I am not perfect and that those moments of weaknesses are just part of the journey. As I go further in my journey, those weak moments occur less often, but when they do happen, I don’t allow the overindulgence or lack of motivation to grip me through guilt. I just move past it by picking up with my fitness plans/schedule where I left off. I’ve put in entirely too much work to allow those temporary moments of weakness to crush my goals.

I enjoy helping others create a better, healthier version of themselves because… I first and foremost love people! I’ve learned a lot on my own fitness journey (and continue to learn), and to keep that information and motivation all to myself would be a great disservice to the people I connect with. Fitness is my passion and it’s only natural for me to share that passion with others.

Whenever I have a moment of free time I look forward to…I recently starting reading fiction books again. I had my first child at 19, and sadly, that when’s I stopped reading for pleasure. It wasn’t until this year that I convinced myself that, yes, I do indeed have time to read and enjoy things on a personal level that don’t necessarily relate directly to children or work. It’s okay for me to have hobbies and make time for myself. And so I’m reading my books again! Stephen King is my favorite.

My kids make me feel…Happy, tired, rewarded, concerned, hopeful, proud…so many different feelings and emotions, depending on what’s going on at the time. Raising four kids is a tough job. I’m always being pulled in different directions with their needs, wants, problems, etc. Everyday is different, and despite the host of different feelings, I try to keep it as positive as possible at all times.

If my kids can only remember one thing I taught them, I hope it’s…to serve Christ. If they have Christ (which they do), even when I’m not around, I’m confident they will be equipped with the proper guidance and wisdom to live fulfilled lives.

I feel like a great mom when…I lead by example, spend quality time and provide an environment where all of their needs are met.

The most surprising thing about motherhood is…I been in this mommy game for awhile now, so I’ve learned not to be surprised by too much of anything anymore. I just roll with the punches and go with the flow. A positive attitude keeps me sane!

If I could have/invent one item to make motherhood easier it would be...a switch that makes the kids do all their chores without mehounding them about it. Or would that kinda be like robot-children? Haha!

My personal motto is…I just do the best I can while understanding that perfection is impossible. I continue to evaluate what I do to see how I can do better (as a mother, wife and in my personal goals). I’m always striving to improve myself.


  1. I’d really love that “make them do chores” switch. LOL. Great interview. Cheers to Josie!