{She Inspires} Aisha + Christine, Book Publishers


I’m switching it up this week and I’ve got two moms at bat for this issue of {She Inspires}. I started reading Aisha and Christine’s blog maybe a year ago (and they just celebrated their one year anniversary, so I must have been on board from the beginning!). I loved their focus on raising children who had love and appreciation for other cultures. It’s something I’m trying to do with my kids as well. 

Read on to hear how these moms (and business partners) are launching a children’s book publishing company and raising little ones at the same time. 


Name(s): Christine Mills and Aisha Greene, both 32

Blog name/URL: blog: www.hartlynkids.blogspot.com

Online store: www.hartlynkids.com

Kids (How many? How old are they?): We each have one daughter. Christine’s daughter is 3. Aisha’s daughter is 2.

Teaching my kids to appreciate the beauty in other cultures is important to me because….it teaches them to see the beauty in every human being and appreciate diversity in a significant way.

We decided to launch our own independent book publishing company because…we think that there is a great interest and market for culture based books and we have not seen anything in the market that takes an authentic spin. Our books are each written by local authors to capture a real glimpse of life in another culture. We hope that our company will help bridge gaps and create alliances. You can learn more about our company at www.hartlynkids.com or via our book trailer at http://youtu.be/BOWUAznZ5Xc

Whenever I have a moment of free time I look forward to…

Aisha: Reading a good book or getting a massage at a spa!

Christine: Reading a book that I can’t put down and recently trying my hand at sewing

My kids make me feel like….

Aisha: I am the smartest and most useful person in the world

Christine: I am the most loved woman in the world.

If my kids can only remember one thing I taught them, I hope it’s….

Aisha: That she is beautiful and precious.

Christine: To love God with all of her heart.

I feel like a great mom when….

Aisha:  My daughter does something new and interesting! Watching her learn and grow shows me that I’m doing something right!

Christine: I see my daughter using her imagination to entertain herself.

The most surprising thing about motherhood is…

Aisha: How easy it came to me. It is absolutely hard but somehow I fell right into the position which I did not think was going to happen.

Christine: How authentic the maternal instinct really is when making choices that involves my daughter.

If I could have/invent one item to make motherhood easier it would be…

Aisha: A spare hand to wipe the poop and pee. I just don’t love diaper changing and even though my little one is potty trained I still do the wiping!

Christine: An automatic dispenser of healthy snacks that a child can grab when they’re hungry.

My personal motto is….

Aisha: It works if you’re worth it, so work it, you’re worth it!

Christine: Listen to that small voice.

Check out the trailer for the first book, The Bamboo Dance.


  1. That healthy snack dispenser would be a lovely invention. LOL

  2. Thank you so much. It is amazing to be featured on “She Inspires” for a site that inspires US so much.

  3. Thank you for this feature. We admire what you do and feel privileged to be a part of it.

  4. This made me teary eyed! I love Aisha and her family so much. Congratulations HartlynKids! You make me proud.