{She Inspires} Chaunie Brusie, Writer Mama + Nurse

I love meeting new mamas and Chaunie quickly made her way up my list of my favorite people. We have similar backgrounds and interests, one of which is writing. When I was on her blog and saw that she referred to herself as a “wannabe writer,” I wanted to give her a big ol’ dose of reality. She was an amazing writer, no “wannabe” about it! 

She inspires me because she holds it down on all fronts, but doesn’t hold her tongue when acknowledging that yes, motherhood is hard. Incredibly tiring. But very rewarding. 

Name: Chaunie Brusie

Age: 25 (whoa, had to think about that one for a minute! So used to writing 24!)

Blog name/URL: www.tinybluelines.com

Kids (How many? How old are they?): 2 girls, who happen to be exactly 2 years and 2 days apart–they turned 3 and 1 in May

Whenever I have a moment of free time I look forward to…hands down, reading. I LOVE reading. As embarrassed as I am about the awkward teen pictures of me with huge glasses that exist in the dusty darkness of my parent’s basement, I am proud of what they represent. I am a certified bookworm.

My kids make me feel like…. a crazy person. Can I say that? I seriously feel a little out of control most of the time..if I could just figure out how to go to the bathroom on my own, I think I could be set…

If my kids can only remember one thing I taught them, I hope it’s….Enjoying the little things in life. Walks at night, indoor picnics in the winter, drinking juice in our wine glasses.

I feel like a great mom when….I can do it all in one day. Fit in some exercise and writing, work a little, play with the kids, get outside, do something educational with Ada, and cook a fabulous and semi-healthy dinner.

The most surprising thing about motherhood is… how hard the little things are. Just the small, day-to-day tasks that are indescribable to anyone but mothers.

If I could have/invent one item to make motherhood easier it would be…Hmm..TV that I didn’t have to feel guilty about?

My personal motto is….That’s actually a tough one. I feel like I’ve changed so much once I became a mom..I’m still trying to figure out who I am now. But to borrow my favorite quote, “I am only one, but still I am one. I can not do everything, but still I can do something. With God’s grace, I will not fail to do the something that I can.” -Edward Everett Hale



  1. Glad to hear yet another mommy admit that motherhood sometimes makes you feel crazy! :) And I certainly agree with wanting to show your kids to appreciate the little things in life. Some of my proudest moments are when my daughter gets super excited about seeing a rainbow. Or seeing “dinosaurs” when looking up at the clouds. She gets so excited, and those little things make my heart flutter. :)


  1. […] can check out my interview, part of the “She Inspires” series with The Young Mommy Life here. Image Source: The Young Mommy Life […]