{Fearless Friday} If You Limit Yourself, It’s Over Before It Starts

Today is Day 2 of the Student Parent Support Symposium and I am having a blast so far. There are so many innovative programs people are creating for student-parents – I am blown away truly.

One of the highlights of Day 1 was getting to meet some student-parents themselves. Tamar Carr, a senior at Ohio State, impressed me so much. She showed us this brief video she created to present the real side of young motherhood (sound familiar?). She made the video (along with some of her ACCESS friends) and entered it into a film festival, where they took home an award.

I wanted to share this with you because it shows that anyone, anywhere can do something that makes a difference. That’s the beauty of life. You don’t need a lot of money, and you don’t even need a lot of time.

So check out Tamar’s video and leave her a comment on her YouTube page. Tell her Tara from the YML sent you! :)


  1. Ms. Prince says:

    Great post, Tara. I’m going to watch the video in a minute but I have a question. How do you find out about all the various programs?