Why I Love This Man

I wrote this letter to my husband on the morning of our fourth anniversary. It is difficult to put into words how I feel about him, but I say this letter is as close as I could get…

Dear TJ,


You know how you see a movie trailer for a new comedy and think to yourself, “Man, I wanna go see that!” You wait patiently for it to hit theatres, grab your tickets and get nice and comfy in the seat. Two hours later, your stomach hurts from laughing so hard, you’re happy for the next couple hours and you keep reciting lines from the movie, busting out laughing randomly.


That’s how it was when we first started dating. I swear it was love at first sight. (Ask Noella.) I saw you, and I told her, “I wanna marry that dude.” After a few months of hide-and-seek (I was doing the seeking…LOL), we started dating. And can I tell you – it was better than the preview.


Back then, I thought you were a nice guy. You didn’t swear, didn’t smoke, didn’t drink – had a nice head on your shoulders and were going for your Master’s degree in Higher Education. You wanted to help people. You loved sports.


My initial attraction to you was shallow. But as time grew on, I began to see that you were indeed someone that I needed to have in my life. NEEDED. Not like it was an optional type of thing.


You have made my life infinitely better. I can’t count all the ways that you have encouraged my personal growth, and you made me believe in myself with your quiet confidence in my abilities.


You fit me. You don’t shout when I shout. You know things that I don’t. You keep me calm. You help me see the bright side of life and what it’s like to slow down and simply…be.


I am grateful for the example you’re setting for our kids. Day in and day out, you continue to amaze me with your patience and your willingness to be the best dad in the universe. You are an AWESOME father and Ayanna and Thomas are so very lucky to have you.


I love you so very much and I am excited to see what the next four years bring. And the next four years after that. And on and on. There will never come a day when I am tired of being Mrs. Thomas Jefferson, because you are who you are. There isn’t another man like you in this whole universe so I’m holding on tight. *smile*







  1. This is so sweet. May God continue to bless you guys :-)

  2. Hi YM,

    Beautiful, beautiful letter. It definitely reminds me that we should never lose the little things in our marriage and relationships. Writing letters, jotting down notes just to say, “Hey honey, I love you, I believe in our relationship…”

    Thank you for sharing that.

  3. Aww, so sweet! I am always so proud of young married people! Let’s start a movement to give new life to marriage in today’s world 😉

  4. Tara,

    I think you did an excellent job putting it into words…I feel as if I communicate my feelings better in written form rather than verbally…but I’m working on the verbal part…anyway, what you said about your husband…is the same reason why I love the man God put in my life…we are not married yet but I know that is where it is going… After I had one conversation with him, I knew that I wanted to marry him… I wish you many many blessed years together, growing and loving…Thanks for this post!!!

  5. Tara,

    As usual you did not disappoint! I LOVE it! You’re hubby is so luck to have you just as you are grateful to have him. You did a great job putting into words how you feel…I’m sure he loved it!

  6. Awww, Tara…. *tear*

    This is super sweet and beautifully written. It makes us feel your love for Thomas. Congratulations on four years of marriage and I wish you guys many, many more years.

  7. Happy Anniversary! Thank you for sharing beautiful post with us!

  8. Happy Anniversary!! Wishing you all many more years of wedded bliss.

  9. I love it…super sweet!

  10. Very sweet, Tara! Thanks for sharing. :)

  11. Beautiful!

  12. Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful ode to your man. :)