{Confession Time} I’m A Better Mom When…(Expanded List)

If you ask me, I’m always a “good mom,” but there are things that improve my mood and give me that extra patience to deal with all the things that come with being a work-at-home mom. I already wrote about how a helping hand or two instantly makes this job easier, but there’s more. I’ve thought about it, and I’m a better mom when…

…I have a decent night’s sleep. Meaning more than 4 hours uninterrupted.

…the kids wake up and play quietly until I get out of bed.

…my inbox doesn’t scream with “urgent” emails at 7 a.m. that I somehow missed when I was up all night working.

…I actually get dressed and look nice and not just in an old pair of sweatpants and T-shirt.

…I eat breakfast before it turns into lunch.

…I get at least an hour a week, out of the house, kid-free.

…I’m getting some on the regular (just honest).

…I have enough time to leisurely cook a delicious dinner.

…I get a chance to take a semi-luxurious shower that I don’t rush my way through.

…I feel like my husband is an active participant in this family and I’m not stressing about him “pulling his weight.”

…my bills are paid (at least for the moment).

What do you say – what helps take you from “good mommy” to GREAT mommy?


  1. Amen to all of that!

  2. Ms. Prince says:

    When I see my hard work as a mother paying off in some small way. Like my 3rd grader acing a test that we studied hard for or my 3-year-old using those manners that we have been practing. I can start a book and actually finish it.

  3. Can I just copy and paste this entire list?! I’ll add when I get a good work-out in there, but since you said, “I’m getting some on the regular,” I think that pretty much covers the “working out” part. LOL.

  4. Yes, Amen to all of the above..double Amen to getting some on the regular and the kids playing quietly until mommy wakes up!

  5. I love this list! I would add two additional items to this list: when I get to pray and meditate uninterrupted, and when I get to drink my coffee in peace, LOL!