Student Mama: How Do I Avoid Doing Homework At The Last Minute?

Question from a reader:


I am in my second year of school and I want to quit already. I’m always behind, my schoolwork doesn’t get my full attention and I don’t feel like I’m actually learning anything – more like just trying to survive and get through it! I know that getting this degree is important but man, I’m killing myself to get stuff done. Do you or any of the other mamas have any tips on being more organized, or finding time to do my school work?


Trying to Survive

Dear Trying to Survive,

Why does this sound familiar? Girl, I have been there (I’m still there!) and the only thing I can say that might be comforting is that we (student mamas) have to learn how to do things in a way that works for us. If that means doing homework while your kids nap, or putting them to bed about 20 minutes early to get some reading done, then that’s what we have to do.

First thing to ask yourself – are you doing too much? I recently had to take a step back and make some changes. Are you taking too many classes? If you’re taking more than one, ask yourself if you simply have too much to do and that’s why you never feel caught up.

You have to plan to be on top of things – it doesn’t just happen, unfortunately. If you’re consistently pulling all-nighters, that means you’re not working on these projects and papers consistently.

This means:

Get a planner. This planner will be your friend ONLY if you use it. Write down ALL your assignments, ALL your tests, ALL your study sessions, ALL your papers. Write down when you will start each. Give yourself a few weeks head start to make sure you are working ahead, not falling behind.

Schedule 10 minutes every night to do something schoolwork related. Whether it’s looking over your syllabus to make sure you won’t be shook when your professor announces a quiz in class on a chapter you haven’t read (oops!), or rereading a paper you’ve written to check for last-minute errors.

Then you should:

Get enough sleep. So many moms (I include myself in this category) feel like they MUST get everything done in one day. Not true. Do as much as you can and then take your butt to bed! Aim for 8 hours. If that’s not possible, aim for 7. If that’s not possible, you need at least 6. Don’t argue with me.

Drink enough water. You’re probably not drinking enough because who has time to 1) spend half the day drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day and then 2) spend the rest of the day peeing? I hate having to go to the bathroom every five minutes, but man, do I usually feel more energized and alert versus when I don’t drink anything.

Schedule down time. You can’t be go-go-go all the time. Learned that lesson the hard way. You know how when you want kids to go to bed, all the experts tell you to give them a bedtime routine: dinner, baths, story time, quiet play. Guess what? It works for Mamas, too. An hour before you think you’re going to go to bed, begin to consciously wind yourself down. Drink some tea. Lean back and read a chapter or two of a book. Take a relaxing bath. I know you might not be able to dedicate an hour to your routine every night, but whenever possible: Make a good night’s sleep a priority.

Was this helpful for all you student mamas? Share your tips in the comments!

Do you have any questions for the YML community? E-mail me at or through the handy Contact form.


  1. Thank YOU for these tips!

    I just pulled an almost-all-nighter last night to hand in a paper that I knew about for a couple weeks already. Needless to say I am ready to sleep now!

    I am a super-busy single mom with a son who has demanding homework and needs my help all the time. I decided to space out my classes (at least 3 weeks off in-between each six-week class) so I can breathe every once in a while. My goal is graduation in Spring 2012! I gotta do this!

    • @Shelly – I love your plan to space out your classes – it’s a MUST that you maintain your sanity! Otherwise, what’s the point?

  2. I’m in the same situation. I’m glad you wrote a post about this Tara. It seems like i start my class work strong on monday but somewhere in between i fall behind and wind up finish my weeks worth of work on Saturday and sunday. So parent related or job related circumstance pops up. I going to invest in a planner because i really hate it when life’s little problems arise.

    • @Myraneisha – Yeah, Mondays are “good days” for me too but I used to wonder why the heck I was ALWAYS up late on Sundays when I really just wanted to sleep! I had to start doing stuff EVERY day (maybe 10 minutes, maybe a half hour) in order to stay on track and avoid those all-nighters.

  3. I’m so glad you posted this. I start school next month, and I’m excited and nervous all at the same time. I sit and think about how I’m going to get this done and still spend time with my very busy 3 year old son. I’m very blessed to have a great support system, so I know/pray everything is going to work out!!!

    • @Fahtima – I’m proud of you!! You will do a great job. It is hard to balance the kids, schoolwork, life, family stuff, but it can be done. The important thing is to stay focused and motivated! :)

  4. I was just in an accelerated program for two years while raising a few months old girl, i now decided to go back into the nursing program next month and i know it is going to be hard but i will take into account everything i got from you guys.