In The Kitchen: Breakfast Smoothies

This is a new feature I’m trying out, where I share recipes that I’ve tried recently. I try to feature recipes that are quick and cheap to make. Here’s the first installment – let me know what you think!

The quest: To up my veggie and fruit intake

The solution: Breakfast smoothies

I have to give credit where credit is due on this one. Nadirah (who you might remember from my review and giveaway of her book last year) kept talking about smoothies on her Facebook page and finally I had to give it a try. I only drink smoothies like once a year and even then it’s at a Jamba Juice-type place. How hard could it be to make them at home?

So I gathered my ingredients:

  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 1 cup spinach leaves
  • 1 cup frozen fruit (a mix of strawberry, mango, pineapple and peach)
  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt

I got a huge bag of frozen fruit ($8) from Wal-Mart Supercenter – enough to make more than a week’s worth of smoothies. A bag of spinach cost about $3. I already had the juice and the Greek yogurt was on sale (woo!) so I bought a big container. All told, I spent about $15 and that’ll get me through the week. Not bad at all!

As you can see (maybe) I put the orange juice in first, then the spinach, then the fruit. I let the fruit thaw for about 10 minutes (so it blends smoothly), then I add a couple dollops of yogurt. I used Greek yogurt rather than regular because it’s lower in sugar and much, much higher in protein.

I can definitely tell there’s spinach in there but it doesn’t bother me. If you want to mask the taste, I’d add more fruit and fewer veggies, and add a bit of flavored yogurt (like the honey or fruit variety).

You can add some crushed ice or extra fruit depending on how thick you like your smoothies. I like mine on the thinner side, so you might add more yogurt or toss a banana in there.

Next week I’m tackling my quest for a delicious vegetarian dinner that even my husband will eat. Stay tuned.


  1. Raya Sunshine says:

    Great idea!

    I recently bought fresh fruits and veggies from a fruit market and blanched and froze my own veggies and it costs pennies compared to what buying them frozen cost. Some of the fruit I froze for smoothies and some I made into a weeks worth of fruit salads and stored them in the fridge in little zip lock baggies. Some of my vegetarian meals include salads with lettuce and raw spinach, squash and zucchini stir-fried with onions, and veggie stir-fry with rice. Mind you: I’m not a vegetarian, I just make a point to have two completely vegetarian meals a week.

    And I’ll have to try these spinach smoothies. The one’s I make have fruit that I’ve frozen over-night: bananas and blueberries are the best. Then I add %100 apple or %100 cranberry juice, flavored yogurt (cause I can’t handle the taste/texture of greek, lol) and maybe one fresh fruit (strawberries or a banana). They are delish!

    Can you taste the spinach in the one’s you make?? Can you taste the greek yogurt??

    Great post!

    • @Raya – I can taste the spinach only in the fact that it doesn’t necessarily taste like straight fruit. But the strawberry, pineapple, peach, mango flavors were definitely there! As for the Greek yogurt, I can really only use it in smoothies and baked goods. I can’t eat it straight, but in the smoothie it gives it some thickness, so I say buy a small container and go for it! LOL

    • @Raya – Also! I don’t feel like adding another step to my smoothies, but how much does your fruit cost at the fruit market? At the cheapest grocery store near me, I can usually make a killing, but I’m curious how much I could save…

  2. This looks yummy!! xo
    .-= jess; [the bottle chronicles]´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday- Webcam Fun =-.

  3. I love smoothies with spinach or Green Monster as they are known in the food blogger world lol. Even if you just add a banana and nothing else you can’t really taste the green. Sometimes I steam the spinach in the microwave a little bit because you’re body can’t absorb all the nutrients in it’s raw state. I do it because my son needs extra iron.
    .-= Kim´s last blog ..Do You Remember =-.

    • @Kim – I definitely taste the spinach, lol, but I don’t mind it. It’s a subtle flavor in the background so it’s no biggie. The fruit flavors come through, as does the texture from the yogurt. I’m going to try to add different veggies in next time – any advice on what to throw in there?

  4. Great post thanks for sharing. I really enjoy your blog very much. Excellent content!
    .-= Family Recipes´s last blog ..Whats for breakfast =-.