Happy birthday to my mini-me

Dear Ayanna,

You’re turning four now and I am really trying hard to wrap my brain around this concept. Like, 4? The number that comes after 3? And right before 5? Who gave you permission to grow up because I certainly did not.

I’m almost scared to say this out loud (and by “out loud” I mean, on this here blog that you and your brother inspired me to create): I like this stage you’re in.

It cracks me up how literal you are. Like how I must say “rain” instead of “water” if I’m referring to puddles on the ground. I’ve always started saving up to send you to law school. I’ll let you pick which one. I think you’re going to be a Supreme Court justice and I can’t wait for your confirmation hearing.

I know I’m getting ahead on myself. You’re still in preschool and are still growing and learning. But sweetie, you catch on to things so fast it scares me. We gave you puzzles and you did them in less than three minutes. You learned your ABCs (by sight and sound), numbers up to 100, a slew of Spanish words, your telephone number, address (including zip code!) – and you just turned four. Tell me, dear child, what are you going to learn next?

I feel incredibly lucky that I get to be your Mommy. You urge me to keep going and to never ever give up. You and your brother give me life. I mean that. You two honestly give me life. Without you….eh, it’s not even worth talking about.

As I tell you every single day, you are my sweetheart. I live for you.

Love always,



  1. Happy birthday, Miss Ayanna!!

    I know…when my son hit 4 I was like, how did that happen? Thats just not right! Where does the time go? I know you’re so proud of her. I am too! She is very intelligent, and from how you talk about both of your kids, I know they are wonderful little people. Enjoy celebrating her birthday :)

  2. That was so beautiful. I have to hold back the tears. Oh, no I’m not. I’m going to let them flow. I must have done something right as a mother, because you are an excellent mother to my little angels from heaven. I’m so proud of you and all that you have done over your life. You were so much like Ayanna as a child it is really amazing to sit back as Nana and watch your lives unfold. My Thomas, well what can I say. He is the son I never had. I’m so proud of you and TJ. I love you all. Nana.

  3. Happy Birthday Ayanna, and what a beautiful heartfelt letter to her. She sounds like a fantastic little girl :) It amazes me every single day to watch my daughter learn and grow and experience life. I feel so honored, as I know you do as well, to experience this journey with her.

  4. How lovely was this post? And how lovely is Nana’s reply?! What a lovely little family and what a clever little girl x Congratulations to you Tara – you must be doing something right xxx
    .-= Mrs O´s last blog ..Hallelujah! =-.

  5. Awww Happy Birthday
    .-= Stephanie´s last blog ..The Weekend =-.

  6. MrsDeveter says:

    I really love it, and can totally identify!

  7. This is just darling! I’ve written letters to my “due-any-day-now” baby girl on my blog. It’s such a sweet and special thing!
    .-= Amber´s last blog ..Recent Randoms =-.

  8. Happy Birthday lil lady!!!

  9. Awwww that’s so cute. I wrote a letter to my son on my blog. You should def check it out. It was inspired by a letter I wrote to him while I was pregnant. This letter was beautiful!


    .-= Alexandra´s last blog ..My weekend so far =-.