My new motto (Living stress-free)

If you’ve spent any time with me in the past few weeks, you’ve probably heard me say, “I’m doing the best I can right now.”

My daughter is fussing because I’m too slow with dinner? “I’m doing the best I can right now.”

My husband is giving me the side eye because I’m running around like a chicken with my head cut off and I’m not paying attention to him talk about his day? “I’m doing the best I can right now.”

My boss tells me a project I’m working on is not up to par? I take a deep breath and tell myself, “I’m doing the best I can right now.”

It’s such a simple phrase but man has it changed my life. I’ve been stressing less, I’ve forgot what that daily dose of Mommy guilt feels like, I’m finally coming in what I always thought life would be like as an adult.

Previously? I was a MESS. I would get frustrated that there was always something to re-do: I had to wash dishes again, or go get diapers again or I forgot to pay the trash bill again. I was irritated when I couldn’t check everything off my to-do list and some things stayed there for weeks and weeks.

But I didn’t want my life to be like that. I always wanted to be one of those women who swept through life with ease, who made everything look so effortless.

But then I discovered their secret: It’s not effortless at all. It’s actually a lot of effort to make it look like life never makes you sweat. Like you’re never overwhelmed.

I began using my daily mantra and it has helped in so many ways. I am in control of my days now – they don’t control me. I give 100% each day and let the rest fall where it falls. No more stressing over things I can’t control.

So what about you? Think you can try it?

Repeat after me (and really do it…just because I can’t see you doesn’t you skip this part!):

I am doing the best I can right now.

Feel better?


  1. I like this a lot. I often say to myself ‘I’m too blessed to be stressed’… and it is so so true!

    Thanks for the reminder that despite how crazy things get – we’re still doing the best we can do at any given time xxx
    .-= Mrs O´s last blog ..My life is like a movie =-.

  2. I’m definitely going to try this. I live in a constant state of stress and its horrible. I really need to learn how to just let things go and tell myself I’m doing the best I can.

  3. Yea, thats a great way to be optimistic and I know that I am learning to accept this things the way they are and you’re right: I am doing the best that I can right now.

  4. It’s funny that I should read this post today after writing a similiar one to it yesterday. I swear, I used to stress over every. little. thing. Then I realized that me stressing over things was causing me to BE MORE STRESSED. So I have decided to give myself a personality makeover and ease up a bit. Great post, Tara!

  5. Thank you for this post. I’ve been stressing a lot lately about the things I couldn’t accomplish. I need to learn to stop punishing myself.

  6. (((great post))) & great advice

  7. Great! I’m loving this. I know the feeling. I told my fiance to just give me a hug when he sees that I am overwhelmed. He stops me in my tracks and just holds me until I can gather myself. He now asks if I need help with something, whether it is coming home early to give our daughter a bath while I finish studying or getting the 4+ loads of clean laundry out of my sight. Thanks so much Tara. I will be using this every single day.

    I want to shout out to my fiance for being an awesome man! Love ya J.

  8. MrsDeveter says:

    This is PERFECT! I think it’s time for me to take on the motto. Might just put it at the bottom of my email signature! Life is too short to be stressed! Often times we get tangled up in trying to satisfy everyone and forget to make sure that we are alright!

    Thanks for this inspiration!

    “I’m doing the best I can right now!”

  9. I do feel better. Admitting that I am doing ny best aloud has my mind thinking it. It’s creating the mind set I should have had a long time ago.