Spotlight: Heaven Beiene-Carthon

So many moms contact me for the “Spotlight” section, but none so full of personality as Heaven Beiene-Carthon. This girl is SPUNKY. And I like it.

She contacted me a few weeks aog after finding my blog and wanting to be in the “Spotlight.” I admire women who can say, “Hey, I’m something special – feature me!” Check out what Heaven has to say about being a mom, and how her kids make her feel like a soldier…

Name: Heaven Beiene-Carthon

Age: 29

Blog name/URL:

Kids (How many? How old are they?): 2 girls (5 and 2 years)

Whenever I have a moment of free time I look forward to…sitting in the mall or Barnes and Noble, watching people pass by and wondering what their story is. I’m fascinated by strangers. I also look forward to moments alone with my better half. He really is my better half…

My kids make me feel like….I am Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King and Oprah combined in one. Essentially, they make me feel like I’m the most important person in the WORLD to them. They show me LOTS of love, hugs, kisses and, “Mommy, I miss you!”

If my kids can only remember one thing I taught them, I hope it’s…to honest about EVERYTHING. About life, about themselves and to the people around them. When you’re honest with yourself, it allows to understand and appreciate what’s REALLY important in this life and allows you to disregard the miscellaneous stuff…

I feel like a great mom when…when my kids are fighting one another and purposely tripping each other to run to the door and greet me first….. after I have been away from a home a grand total of 2 hours…. Regardless of how long I have been out, (a few hours to a few minutes), they greet me like I’m a soldier that just came back from Iraq EVERY time…. Gotta love it!

The most surprising thing about motherhood is…How much of a personal mental/emotional struggle it is. I always think about the things I would love to do with myself and the goals I’d love to achieve. The thought right after that is usually the hard work and sacrifice it takes to be professionally successful and how that sacrifice is going to impact my babies… I’m really surprised about how much I struggle with that…

My personal motto is…this is very basic but I have lived by this for a VERY long time and it has really worked for me. “Honesty is the best policy.” It sums up how I view EVERYTHING in life. Being honest with myself and everyone around me has really allowed to find out who I really am, and has allowed me to grow each day into becoming the woman I want to be tomorrow.


  1. I really enjoy your new spotlight section it’s great being able to find new and interesting blogs to follow all of them have been amazing so far!

  2. Yes me too I agree with kim. I also would like to say that I do like Heaven’s name…it’s divine!
    .-= Lucy´s last blog ..I interrupt this programme to bring you breaking news- =-.

  3. Mrs. CJ says:

    Aww, I really feel her on the part about the kids running to greet her a the door. I love that. It makes me feel so loved, valued and needed. After a long day with their daddy or grandma, they rush me as soon as I step through the door. Aww.

  4. Ms. Prince says:

    Heaven was a great spotlight! I could relate to the part about the kids running to greet mommy and the personal, emotional struggle of being a mom. It’s amazing how we all have some of the same struggles.