Shouldn’t be this hard

Tales from a young mommy trying to get her groove back

It was a beautiful day outside and I wanted to get some fresh air. I already had on leggings and a T-shirt, so I figured, why not throw on my sneakers and go for a walk. A real walk, where I’d be powerwalking and listening to my iPod and going up hills and all that crap.

As I laced up my shoes, I made a mental plan of walking around the block, walking on whatever side of the street had the most shade. I hate sun. As a matter of fact, I hate the outdoors but this pudge on my stomach is telling me I better get over it. Quickly.

So I leave the house. And I get no farther than two houses away before trouble starts.

A lady is out walking her dog, a big dog, and they’re headed in my direction. He’s probably not used to seeing black people on his walk so he starts barking and struggling to come in my path. His owner is using all her might to hold him back.

“See, this is why I don’t walk anywhere,” I mutter to myself as I quickly go around them.

I keep walking only to trip on the sidewalk because I’m not looking where I’m going because I’m trying to see at what moment do I have to run for my life because the dog behind me has gotten free.

I pick myself up and contemplate going home (I’m only three houses away at this point) but instead I choose another song on the iPod and keep it moving.

I walk another ten steps and I feel something weird on my forehead. I wipe it off and look at my hand. “Eww, is that sweat? Already?”

Let me explain something. I do not like sweating. I don’t like exercise. I don’t like the sensation of moving my body other than the regular movements of the day. I’m lazy.

But I’m working on it. Hence, the walk.

I keep going and keep running into spiderwebs, and swarms of flies, and overhanging tree branches. I get to an area where no one can see me and I decide to try jogging a bit. I take four steps and stop. I feel so awkward and clumsy. This is ridiculous. Plus, I don’t have on a sports bra. So there you go.

I make it around the block and back into my house where I collapse on the couch.

I’ve GOT to get better at this.


  1. Hilarious! I feel for you, mommy. I used to dance alot and when I stopped taking ballet and jazz classes, I decided to start running. It was weird at first, but I pushed past that phase. Now I love the gym. It’ll get better. Keep it up!
    .-= alicia´s last blog ..What I Miss the MOST From My Pre-baby Days =-.

  2. I know exactly what you mean. I hate exercise. I hate sweating. I hate being hot. The most exercise I get is chasing my son around and giving the house a deep clean. But lately I’ve had the bizarre desire to go running. Why? I have no idea. I’ve always hated to run. But for some reason, jogging sounds really nice lately. Bizarre. Best of luck in your future exercising!

  3. lmao, i can relate. i hate exercise of ANY form as well. give me my couch, my laptop, and an ice cold mountain dew anyday (over bottled water). *smh* a shame, i know!
    .-= Yakini´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.

  4. DianeChristina says:

    LOL, it gets better. Try finding a running or walking group by you. Or join a class. Best advice I received for working out is find something that fits YOU. Keep in mind you bringing a better you to the table when working out.

  5. I went walking this morning around 6:30 a.m. Last night I decided to do a 21 days of walking challenge. I want to walk everyday at the same time for 21 days in a row; one day down, 20 more days to go. Exercise can be challenging, once you condition your body into moving, it would get better. My problem is that I need to stay on track; too many days gone by, I will have to start all over again.

  6. LOL! That would totally happen to me if I were daring enough to do it. Only, I’d probably break my foot or something. I did muster up enough courage to work out to a DVD this morning (4 am thank you very much). Of course, I cancelled it out with the extra coffee needed to stay awake at around 10. When does the endorphin thing kick in?

  7. LOL!!! I have to laugh…I’m sorry because that sounds like how I have been feeling today. A few months ago I had started working out but lost my groove. The other day I had “hit” the out door and all things that could go wrong went wrong. Keep in there and try again. It will get better. Good Luck…Maybe we should try to start something on SparkPeople for young moms or something where we can check in and keep each other motivated.
    .-= Tricia´s last blog ..You’re Just Not "Together" =-.

  8. Lol! I hate exercise too and my tummy is also telling me to get over it quick.
    .-= Distributary´s last blog ..It Still Itches =-.

  9. lol this is why i hate outside. i am working out at home or in the gym. the gyms i use are cheap and affordable thanks to the city i live in. they have parks and rec centers with gyms and planet fitness has a $10 a month special. everyplace i go is bug and drama free with A.C. to boot.