What’s new with the book

It’s been a minute, so I figured I’d give you an update on the book. 

Basically, I’m making progress. June and July are my “get your a$@ in gear” months, where I’m taking everything you guys have given me and I’m trying (somewhat in vain) to organize it. All of your advice, all of your suggestions, all your frustrations and all your dreams and goals – it’s all in a pretty purple folder that I need to go through with a fine-tooth comb.

I think we’re all going to be really proud of this when it comes out, because I could NOT have done it without you all. As a way to actually visualize this book on shelves, I already wrote the acknowledgements section. And there’s a HUGE shoutout to all of you, as many of you as I could list by name. I want you to flip to whatever page and say, “Hey, there’s my NAME! How awesome!” This is a community book. It belongs to US.

So that’s what’s new. Just hang in there with me. More updates coming soon!


  1. Thanks for letting us know how you’re coming along. I’m definitely excited for you!! :) I can’t wait for the finished product.

  2. How awesome! I’ve been playing “catch-up” on your blog, but judging by what I’ve seen so far… I know it’s gonna be amazing!
    .-= Alicia´s last blog ..Potty Training Mishaps =-.

  3. How exciting!

  4. Thanks for the update. Loving the new design too!
    .-= Sheena´s last blog ..Six-Fourteen Twenty-Ten =-.