life with a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old

They might drive me crazy, but my kids keep me laughing. Check out these scenes from our daily life.

Me, muttering to myself while sweeping up food the kids have dropped on the floor during dinner: This don’t make no sense….

My daughter, overhearing me: No, Mommy, we make GOOD sense.


Me, working with my son to say more words: “Sweetie, we’ve got to get you saying words that aren’t food-related. Come on, say ‘Cat.'”

Son: “Ca–”

Me: “Yes, ca—t.”

Son: “Ketchup!”

Me: groaning. “Okay, say ‘Book.'”

Son: “Hash browns!”

Me: *blank stare* “Never mind…”


6:00 a.m. on a Saturday. Both parents are knocked out in bed. A noise starts up from down the hall.

Daughter, moaning: “Daddy!”

Since my husband is out to the world until at least 6:30, I get up to go see what she needs. I peek in her room.

Me: “What is it, sweetheart?”

Daughter sits straight up in the bed: “I did not call you. I called for Daddy.”

Me, thinking to myself: “Well, damn.”

Me, talking out loud: “Alrighty, then.”

I trudge back to bed, collapse on the bed and kick my husband.

Him: “What the…?”

Me: “She said she wants you. Not me. You.”

I smile a bit into my pillow and pass out until 7:30. Ahh, it ain’t all bad.


  1. Kids are just too funny! I love that your son specializes in food related words, thats priceless!

    I absolutely *love* the blog redesign. It looks incredible.

    • @Katie – Thank you, lady! :)

      Yes, my son is a silly little boy. He LOVES food way more than he loves me. LOL

      • @Tara – hey, you think your son could pass his love of food on to my son? Its like pulling teeth to get my son to eat even a little bit.

        BTW, my email address has been changed…I’ll send you an email so you’ll have the new one.

  2. I swear I start LMAO every time I think about you telling me the last one. She is so matter-of-fact about it too! <3 those two…and u too I guess :)

  3. Me: It’s time to clean up these blocks.
    2yr old: Sure, momentarily.
    Me: Momentarily??
    2yr old: It means in a minute.
    Me: where did you hear that word?
    2yr old: (exasperated) jacks big music show.

  4. LOL, children are too cute and funny! Mine always keeps me laughing. I only wish I could have the imagination she has!
    .-= Alexandra´s last blog purpose =-.

  5. Bwahahaha! When you told me about your son’s penchant for food-related words, I was rolling then, and I’m rolling now! That is Heee-laaah-rious!!!

    Oh, and the “Not you! Daddy!” bit is commonplace in my household too. No complaints here, because I don’t want to get up anyway! :)
    .-= Akilah´s last blog ..Self-Celebration: A Contest About YOU =-.

  6. Tenille says:

    Too funny. Sounds like my house minus 1 kid.

    Me and my 3 yr old daughter in the fitting at NY and Co….

    Me, to myself in the mirror: Hmm I don’t know about these pants and I refuse to go up a size.
    My daughter: No Mommy those pants don’t work for you. Get the dress.

    Well at least she’s honest.

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