Rewind: Give me strength

I just have this nagging feeling that some of you need a little cheering up, like life might just be a bit much for you right now. Don’t worry, your girl is here with a big helping of “You’re the best Mama EVER!”

Here’s a flashback to a Weekly Inspiration post I wrote a while back (don’t worry – I’m bringing them back!) that can give you a little boost today:

This job is tougher than I ever imagined. Not just motherhood, but adult life.

Why didn’t anyone tell me it was like this?

Supposedly there are 24 hours in a day. But I work for eight hours, and sleep for about six. That’s 14. Someone please tell me what I’m doing for those other 10! It seems like I’m not in control of my days and time and I’m dying to. (Tell me I’m not the only one who feels like this!)

I go to bed every day completely exhausted and I wake up feeling only slightly rested. It takes every ounce of energy I have to heave myself out of bed and down the stairs to begin my day.

Where does the energy come from?

  • From knowing that every day that I’m alive is a blessing
  • That my kids are healthy, happy and bright
  • That my hubby is there for me through thick and thin
  • That my job is both personally and professionally satisfying
  • That we do not have to worry about money (since we have our spending under control) and I always seem to have enough money in the bank to cover the necessities. (I don’t always have much left over, but it’s soon to change, I hope.)
  • That we live in a great area with lots of green space and friendly neighbors who still don’t lock their doors at night.

I get up and keep going because life, while short, while frustrating at times, can be highly satisfying when you stop to think about all the things that keep you going. I read a quote somewhere that said:

“If everyone threw their troubles and problems in a pile and you got to compare, you would snatch yours back in an instant.”

We may think we have it rough (and perhaps we do) but we also need the strength to keep going, to get out of whatever issue we’re tangled in and come out stronger. Not just for our own sake, but for our kids’ as well.


  1. Thank you for this…your nagging feeling was right. Perfect timing for me to be reminded of this, and I’m sure many others will feel the same. You’re doing big things, Tara! Thank you.

  2. That was GREAT, Tara! I esp. loooved this:

    “If everyone threw their troubles and problems in a pile and you got to compare, you would snatch yours back in an instant.”

    Boy, does that put things in perspective! :-)

  3. Like Chelsea said, perfect timing for me too. Thanks, Tara. You always make my day brighter.

  4. I agree…perfect timing for this reminder! I often am left wondering where all the time in my day went. Thank you so much for this!

  5. Ms. Prince says:

    I have not been to the page in a couple of days bc I have been so busy at work and with my boys but this was a much needed post. I have been feeling so tired, and frustrated. It’s refreshing to know that I am not the only one.