young moms raise smart kids

Forget the stereotypes. Forget what you may have heard.

Every young mom I know has amazing kids. And by amazing, I don’t just mean, “Oh, little Brian is so cute and I love the way he makes the ‘choo-choo’ sound everytime he sees a train.”

I mean, really AMAZING. Smart, polite, adorable, quiet, good sleepers. The best kind of kids.

Take my friend Courtney for example. She’s a single mom, raising her son on her own in a new state. She doesn’t have much support nearby, but she’s making it. Not only is she making it, but her son is thriving. The boy is smart and he’s already showing signs of being the Next Great…I dunno, Scientist? Chemist? Engineer?

My point is, we are very capable of raising brilliant kids. Funny kids. Kind and caring kids. We rock.

Share your st0ry about your little one. Go ahead and gush – just how wonderful ARE they?


  1. Mrs. Pryor says:

    I am a young mother myself and I started out at 15 years old and me and my husband now have 5 children and we are both 25 years of age crazy huh? But the point is is that we are very mature and we do not do drugs or binge drink. We teach our kids life lessons as well as how important education is also. We encourage religion to our children and we pray together. We are not perfect and God knows that but we are raising our kids traditional and with God’s help. So to everyone who knocks young mothers or fathers…DON’T because they are good ones out there! Not all of us are drinking, smoking,and irresponsible. Some of us DO GET OUR MINDS RIGHT!

  2. Awww, how sweet! It’s so funny you posted this last night, because I just put a few videos on Facebook of Jaedyn doing his ABCs and counting to ten! I wish I were computer saavy enough to link the video here, but I’m challenged when it comes to stuff like that ;-P

    I really need one of those developmental books. I get so excited and emotional when Jaedyn does something amazing, but I never know if I truly have a valid reason to brag. Maybe it’s normal and he is right on track to know his ABCs, be able to count to 10, start potty training, and use so many words/talk clearly at 21 months old. Colors seem to be a bit harder, but he still does a good joob for his age to me…or maybe for his age he should know more. I don’t know, I just know he makes me so proud and I’m glad that all of the hard work and trying to take extra time with him for stuff like this is paying off. :) Just because he only has one parent in his life and I have to work so hard & do a lot on my own, doesn’t mean he has to get the short end of the stick or be behind others his age. I have to make sure he gets some really good scholarships because I’m sure by the time he’s ready for college, I will still be paying on my undergrad loans, ha ha!

  3. I have a soon to be 5 year old daughter named Raven. I too am a young single mom. What I found most fascinating about my daughter is that she’s so in tune with what’s going on emotionally around her. She’s also over protective of anyone she fiercely loves. Take for instance my dad. She’s loves that man to death. The other evening we took him to the emergency room due to severe abdominal pains. She outright refused to leave him in the ER by himself. The only way she would leave was when he promised that he’d be home soon. But, she kicked and screamed the whole way out. Now she does not typically behave like this and she seemed so scared by him being sick. She woke up every morning this week checking to make sure he was ok.

  4. I was 18 when I had Desi. I decided to to stay home with her because I wanted to enjoy her and to teach her everything I could. Now, she is one of the smartest 3 year olds I have ever met. She know the alphabet and phonics. She can count to twenty, knows shapes, and nursery rhymes. And she plays the rhyme game. She is a sweet and loving big sister. Also very independent and feisty.

  5. Laurence Paree says:

    abdominal pain specially severe ones can be caused by other severe diseases like cancers.^

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