break out the tissues *giveaway*

For those who follow all my writing endeavors, you’ll know that I write weekly posts for the beyond fabulous site Black and Married With Kids.

Basically, the creators of the site, Lamar and Ronnie Tyler*, are trying to accomplish the same thing I’m trying to do here. To bring 8more positive images of black marriage (young motherhood, in my case) to society, working nonstop to counteract the negative images we see on a daily basis.

While the blog is a great start to their quest to show that yes, black folks do get married, they’re now blogging for and NOW they’re in the movie-making business too. (They have four kids and both work full-time jobs – you’re probably thinking what I’m thinking, “When do they SLEEP?”)

Their second documentary, YOU SAVED ME, comes out this weekend and it contains eight of the greatest love stories ever told. Just peep the trailer:

Lamar was kind enough to hit me up with a sneek peak and let me tell you: this movie will move you. It will move you to speak a little kinder to your spouse, to experience life with a little more gratitude. If you’re single, this movie will give you hope that a good, strong relationship is just around the corner.

The movie will premiere this weekend (March 28-29) in 25 cities across the country. Check here to find a location near you.

They’re offering a copy of the movie to TWO of my lucky readers. To win, leave me a comment filling in the blank: “I want to see this movie because…..”

But of course, not everyone who enters will win. If you don’t want to wait, do ahead and pre-order the DVD at a discount before the official release date of March 29.

*Please support Lamar and Ronnie, if for no one reason than to do it for me. They have been EXTREMELY supportive of this site and the community we have here and have ALREADY signed on to be one of the first sponsors for my book tour, before I even have the book finished. That’s real support, so I’m doing my best to return the favor. So even if you don’t buy a copy (which I hope you do), tweet about it, put it on your Facebook wall, join their Facebook group, tell a neighbor, tell a friend. Thanks!


  1. Hi Tara I want to see this movie because I know my husband saved me from many things. And originally we planned to see the movie here in DC but we won’t be able to make it.

    • @Michelle – This is a GREAT movie. I know this and I only saw the sneek peek. You will definitely feel closer to your husband after watching it.

  2. I want to see this movie because, after 5+ years of trying and failing, mistakes and pain, misunderstandings and mistrust, passion and love, growth and dedication, my boyfriend and I are still convinced that WE are supposed to be with each other, and we have been on a quest to show each other unlimited support and unconditional love for the past 7 months. I think seeing this film would help to calm some of his fears about the uncertainty that comes along with trusting someone with your heart long term… AND that “long term” is truly possible.

    • @Ms. Bar B – I think it will definitely help with the uncertainty. It’s all about facing the tough times together and then coming out on the other side stronger and more in love. Long term is indeed possible! :)

  3. @ Tara: Long term is a beautiful thing. I think my guy would definitely enjoy the film.

  4. I want to see this movie because I truly believe my husband saved me from myself. He has taught me to be a more giving, loving, and trusting person. he’s allowed me to fail and try again over and over. So I absolutely understand the premise of this film.

  5. Hey there, Tara!!!

    I want to see this movie because I have never seen the inside of successful and beautiful relationship with black couples. I am eager and excited when God blesses me to be with my man and it warms my heart to see the inside of our culture’s marriages!

    Please, I want to win the dvd!!! 😉

    I am new to your site and like I’ve done with a couple of other sites I’ve found and enjoyed, I spent hours going backward looking at all of your thoughts on the young mommy life, haha! Even though I’m not a mommy yet, I love your perspective and dedication to motherhood :-)


  6. Awesome pics!! I love the series and your new logo! You ctrauped and covered the attraction beautifully.Thanks for sharing and hopping with us today,Deb @