Screw it, I’m listening to the Duggars

They just don’t seem HUMAN. If I had 19 kids (or 20…how many do they have now? I’ve lost track), I don’t know how I’d act, but I don’t think I’d be a thing like Jim Bob or Michelle. You see how much they SMILE even though they have the stress of three families?

Since I don’t think either one of them are on any type of happy pills (I could be wrong), they must have figured out some way to approach life challenges and conquer them without losing their sanity or sense of self.

So I did a little digging on the Duggars and landed on their website. I scrolled through it. “Hmmm…updates on the show…oh, they have a book out…look, there’s some recipes….” Then I found this, their list of household guidelines.

To have 19 kids and keep your house running smoothly, you’ve got to have rules, though these “guidelines” seem less like rules, but more like how a family is SUPPOSED to act:

“Never argue, complain, or blame. Quickly admit when you have done wrong and ask for forgiveness (even if you were only 10% at fault). Don’t wait till you’re caught.”

“Be attentive and look for ways to serve others with sincere motives and no thought of self-gain.”

How can you find fault with that? So I’ve decided to take the Duggars lead and come up with a list of household guidelines for my crew. Here’s a few:

“Wake up each day with the mindset that you are going to be happy and helpful. Maintain that mindset through the whole day.”

“Take a few minutes each day to ask yourself, ‘Are you being the best person you can be?’”

“Be grateful for even the smallest gestures.”

What say you? What are some household guidelines you’d like to create for your family?


  1. Rebekah McKenzie says:

    “Since I don’t think either one of them are on any type of happy pills (I could be wrong), they must have figured out some way to approach life challenges and conquer them without losing their sanity or sense of self.”

    They have Jesus. Makes all the difference!!! :)

  2. I know ive been sort of MIA and I apologize for that – but I often wondered how the Duggars stayed so happy & cheerful as well! Especially with 19/20 kids running around the house! I like the idea of the household guidelines! I think I may start one for myself, I’m not sure how my boys would do with it – but thats just a great idea. <3

  3. I’ve always respected the Duggars. Really, I don’t know many people who could possibly remain happy and calm with that many kids! Anyway, I’ve never sat down and made a list of guidelines that I’d like my family to follow, but I think that above all else, I really would like my son to be HIMSELF. I know it’s human nature to try to imitate other people, but I want him to be happy and confident in himself and his abilities. So I think that that would probably be the #1 most important guideline for my family. :)

  4. MrsDeveter says:

    I agree with Rebekah they have a relationship with Jesus that helps them get through life.

    I’m not there yet … I know Jesus for myself but sometimes I want to hide from my three little ones so I can’t imagine what life must be like with 19 children!