Be your own valentine

Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite days every year. I hate hate hate when single people knock it or treat it like a commercial holiday that greeting card manufacturers created to boost their own profits.

I have always seen it as a day dedicated to those you love. End of story. No one is saying you have to go out to dinner that day, or buy a bunch of cards or do anything really elaborate. Just show some love. I can’t see a problem with that at all.

So if you ARE single this Valentine’s Day (and heck, even if you’re not!), treat yourself to a wonderful Valentine’s Day gift. You deserve some extra love. :) Here a few gifts I’m eyeing for myself – you let me know what you are going to get in the comments!

I love these pajama bottoms. Pair it with a cute pink cami and nice fuzzy slippers and you’ve got the perfect sleepwear for a perfect night in. Old Navy, $16.50

Peep toe pump

Oooh, yes!! These shoes are killer. That is all. Newport News, $49.  

Now, I know I’m dreaming with this one, because there is no way (right now…this year…in the next three years) that I would EVER feel comfortable spending $118 on a wallet. Especially one that is so small. But dang it, this is my post and I’m allowed to dream a little bit, right? Coach, $118.

So I keep searching on the Coach site and I find this one:

Not quite the same look, but it’s $38! Much, much more affordable. Coach, $38.

Etsy always has cute items for sale. I love it because I can buy handmade, but I can buy it online (because you know I love online shopping!) These earrings caught my eye:

Roxanne Earrings - vintage lucite and sterling silver

So tell me, what’s your gift to yourself for being so fabulous? How will you celebrate you?


  1. Well I have been married forever and totally think Valentine’s day is a crock! I get really mad when my husband goes and spends money just to tell me he loves me. I get so much every other day of the year so I think V-day is commercialism at it’s best. Now if he buys stuff after V-day at 80% off then that’s romantic as can be!! Just my thoughts….

  2. Not treating myself to anything special this year, but I sure hope the hubs has something planned….. :-)

    Love those Coach wallets!

  3. I’m not too big on Valentine’s day, mostly because our wedding anniversary is three days later and as long as I get love 365 days per year, I’m good. But I do at least buy a card and/or make cookies (he’s a cookie lover) for my husband and kids. I’m getting my hair done so I can look sexy for our anniversary date. I’ve had braids since December and it’s time for a new hair style…and maybe a sexy dress.

    Nice Coach :) And the shoes would look nice with the dress I wanted to buy.

  4. See if I do that then that means accepting the fact that I am ALONE alone. That my baby’s father has moved on and will probably be buying his new b**** oops I mean girlfriend something nice not even a weeks after I gave him world class birthday sex. So no I will not be celebrating this “holiday”. I’ll be working. After work I’m gonna get a drink then go home and go to sleep and pretend like the day never happened.

    • @T – Girl, I know you are stronger than your comment implies. How do I know? Because if it was me, there would be bruises all up and down homeboy’s neck as I struggled to choke the life out of him. Now – I’m kidding. Somewhat. But to me, Valentine’s Day is simply a day to celebrate love, in whatever form it is most relevant to you. Sounds like some BS, doesn’t it? Yes, it does. But you are worth so much. If not to him, then to me. :) Enjoy a day (doesn’t have to be today) just for you, to show some love to yourself. You deserve it.

  5. Well, I’m going to have to get me something you posted. Because my boyfriend decided to get me an HDMI cord.

  6. I don’t really get into Valentine’s/Sweetest Day like I used to anymore. Not just because I’ve been single for a few years now either. Just like I have a problem with Mother’s Day or Veterans Day. Why does this one day have to be designated by…whomever came up with the idea, just for you to do something romantic for your partner or show your father how much you love and appreciate him, or honor those who put their lives on the line for us day after day?! That’s why I will randomly put “Happy Mother’s Day” in my status messages because everyday should be our day. I don’t bust my butt 364 days of the year to be shown I’m loved for one day. If Hallmark had Mother’s Day cards out all year long, I’d definitely be the first to give someone a card in December or July.

    Today I did conform a bit and celebrate the “holiday”. I took my “Valentine” to see Sesame Street Live and then out to brunch. However, we do fun and loving things together all the time. Even though at 19 months he may be too young to understand, I still show him how much I love and value him being in my life everyday. That should be a given with any and all relationships. Everyone has their own opinion though so Happy Single’s Awareness Day–oops, I mean Valentine’s Day 😛

    • @Courtney – I think you just gave me an idea. Buy a bunch of Mother’s Day cards and just mail them out randomly to the moms in my life. How fun would that be to get a “You’re a great mom” card in August or December? It would be too sweet! One day when I get on your level, I’ll be able to do that. :)

  7. See that’s why I come here. Thank you Tara. :)