tis the season!

To the most fabulous readers on the planet:

Thank you for coming by this little spot on the internet and making me feel like I’m not alone in this parenting journey. Believe it or not, I do have to credit you with some of the strides I’ve made this year.

I do think, since I started blogging, that I am a better mother than I was before. I am more patient, more understanding, more creative, more flexible. I learn more and more from my fellow young moms and even those who don’t have children (I’m looking at you, Jen!).

You guys are awesome and whenever I get an e-mail from a reader saying that they are glad this blog exists, it brings me joy. It makes me want to do even more for my readers, because if not for you, I would have stopped blogging a long time ago. This is time-consuming and some nights I sit here at the keyboard, staring at the letters hoping that by some miracle I can put them in an order that makes sense to most of my readers and it can touch their heart.

I write about what it means to be a young mom because I couldn’t really find it anywhere else. I now feel like I belong to an incredible group of smart, talented, passionate, kind, caring women who I am proud to “know.”

You are the best. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas!


Tara aka the Young Mommy


  1. :-) YAAAAYYYYYY! Keep up the great work!

  2. MrsDeveter says:

    Hey Mrs Tara!

    Merry Christmas and thank you for encouraging me to start my own blog. I’m having a blast and look to you for continued inspiration! I might be an old mommy but I love being a part of your Your Mommy Club!

    I pray that you have a WONDERFUL Christmas with the family and an even better new year!


  3. Aw, I appreciate your effort to bring us fresh posts every week. I have loved your blog since I first discovered it early this past summer. Merry Christmas, everyone!

  4. Tara,
    This is my first time every visiting your blog but I have already subscribed! I have been looking for other mommies my age to blog with – no offense to the older mommies but sometimes I feel that they just don’t understand all of our issues or complications with being young and having babies! I am almost 23 with a 5 year old son and there is a lot that older mommies just don’t get about me! I’m really happy that I found you and I hope that you can stop by my blog and we can stay in touch!

    Good to “meet” you! :)

    • @Meg – See, this is why I started my blog!!! :) So excited to “meet” you. Will be checking out your blog!!! :)