New for 2010

If you’ve been a fan of the Young Mommy Life for a while, you’ll notice that I post the “Question of the Day,” something to get people us chit-chatting about things going on in our lives.

Now, I want to open it up to you. Starting in 2010, I will pick a “Mom of the Week” and you will get the chance to post what you want – questions about raising kids, staying sane, keeping in shape, getting more rest, budgeting, etc.

Interested in participating? Here’s how it will work:

Send me an e-mail saying you’d like to participate and send three questions you’d like for our fans to answer. These can be related to the topics I listed above or something totally different.

Your three questions will run Monday through Wednesday. On Monday you will get a brief introduction on who you are and we’ll post your first question.

If you are asking the questions that week, all I ask is that you tell your friends and that you stop by during the day to respond to any questions and comments other fans may have left. Simple enough, right? 

Contact me at or use the contact form to let me know if you’d like to be Mom of the Week. If no one comes forward, I will select a mom from our Fan list randomly. Let’s see how this works for a little while. :)

Look forward to “meeting” you and hearing your questions!


  1. What a great idea. I can’t wait to hear more about it!

    ~ humps