YML Gives Back!

I am so happy to announce my first-ever fundraising campaign!

From now until January 1, the Young Mommy Life is accepting donations to Young Mothers @ The Margin, (http://www.atthemargin.org/) a nationwide campaign to support vulnerable young moms – moms from ages 14-24 who have chosen to parent in the face of major obstacles – abuse, poverty, depression, etc.

I think they do a better job through their videos than I could do with my words, so here’s a little taste of how this will help. Meet Holly and if you are moved by her story, then you need to check your pulse.

This campaign works to raise awareness about the plight of young mothers. Who here couldn’t get with that?

I know, I know – it’s the holidays and money is tight. I get that. But this is important. This is our chance to make a difference for women whose lives more clearly reflect our own.

I’m asking each one of my Young Mommy Life readers to donate $1. That’s it. You can give more if you want, but $1 is my suggested amount. If we each give $1, that’s enough to make a difference.

To donate, click here. I’ll keep a running tally in the sidebar so we can see how much we’ve raised.

Please, please donate. I don’t want to sit and look at a big fat zero for two months. :) Let’s make it happen!


  1. That is so beautiful. It was great hearing Holly’s story. I too had my daughter at 19. We truly DO NOT have enough support. You should hear all of the “now your life is over” stories that young mothers have been told. We are conditioned to think that life ends for us when we bring life into the world when it just isn’t so. I am so blessed to have been exposed to a community of fellow young moms at Cal. We are beating the odds ever single day. All it takes is a little recognition, love and support.

    I’ll be donating this week.

  2. I’m not able to watch the video right now (at school with no speakers) but I too can relate to the cause in general because of the ages I had my girls. I was fortunate to have really supportive family and friends, but I know that isn’t the case for everyone. And even WITH support it is very difficult at times to be a young mom anyway. Count me in to help!

  3. Mrs. CJ aka Cee Cee says:

    This is a great cause to support. Not enough people pay attention to teenage moms. Despite the way they are usually portrayed, alot of young moms are trying to rise above the sterotypes, raise great children, finish school, etc.