join the club

Maybe you noticed that spiffy new Facebook badge in the right sidebar. See it?

That means that this blog has an online community over at Facebook and I urge you to go right now and go join the Young Mommy Life.

I’m trying to build a thriving network of young moms – those who had their first kid before 25 (or in your 20s). So that means even the moms who are now in their 30s and 40s can be a part of the crew. And heck, even if you had your kid in your 30s and you just like real conversation about what it really means to be a mom, join the movement!


  1. Hmmm, I’m pretty sure I’m a fan already, but will have to double-check when I get home tonight as FB is blocked from my job. :-)

  2. I’m a fan! =)


    just joined :)
    @Yakini…I’m so addicted to FB, don’t know what I’d do if my access was blocked! lol

  4. That’s great! When I hopefully soon become a mommy I’d love to join!