take a break

Been crazy busy with work lately, so more often than not, I’ve got one eye on the kids and the other on my laptop.

My kids take turns trying to get my attention. My son yanks out the power cord (my battery needed to be replaced, like, two years ago). My daughter taps on the monitor to get me to look at her.

I enjoy what I do – working full time in PR for a nonprofit, being a wife, a mother and then having a freelance writing and consulting business that’s picking up every day.

My biggest problem is that while I enjoy all my roles, I don’t think there’s enough time in my life for everything. There’s not a moment that goes by where I quit running my mental to-do list, even scheduling what I’m going to think about when I finally catch my breath for a moment after the kids go to sleep. Read that sentence again. I plan ahead of time what I’m going to think about when I have a minute to relax. Is that crazy or what?

I’m thinking something has to give. It isn’t going to be the kids or the husband and it definitely isn’t going to be the day job so…

I don’t know. I love blogging and I love writing and I love the community of women I’ve been able ot meet over the past year and a half. I love when new readers come by and say that they had today’s topic on their mind all week and they are glad someone had the guts to say what they’ve been feeling out loud. It’s a relief to know that I’m not the only one who deals with these issues and concerns.

So I’ll keep blogging. Definitely. I do have some big things lined up for 2010 which should get me over the “Oh my goodness, I just want to sleep!” blues.

Tell me – do you ever feel like there’s not enough time in the day for all your roles? How do you “make” the time?


  1. Lol @ “My son yanks out the power cord…. and my daughter taps on the monitor to get me to look at her.” That’s what my cats used to do when they wanted my attention; one would start pawing at the power cord and the other would strut across the keyboard. Sometimes she would even sit her fully gray butt down and meow at me.

    But I totally feel wut ur sayin. Some days get so crazy that if one more person says my name I’m gonna scream. I feel like if I can just take a good 2 hour nap, have a cup of coffee and turkey sandwich I’ll be good to go. At one point in time my hair was shedding because I was so stressed out. Some days I would just hide in the closet (or fitting room if I was at work) for ten minutes and take a second to breathe. Its no vacation in the bahamas, but it helps.

  2. I was about to say NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I thought you were saying you were giving up blogging. Please don’t. I love this site! Perhaps you could have guest bloggers every now and then to give you a break. I could solicit some friends of mine who are mothers (I am not a mom).

  3. Yeah, I wish there were more hours in the day – I’m always behind in everything, but esp. with regards to blogging. I think I’m going to have to put reviews/giveaways on hiatus, and just start saying NO to companies that contact me… so I can play catch up on all the things I’m behind in. I really want to pour more into ny personal blog, as that is the priority, and sometimes it’s easy to lose sight of that.

    That’s another reason I value the baby’s 7 pm bed time so much (haha, yes, I’m back to that). If he was allowed to stay up til 11 pm/midnight like many of my friends’ kids, I wouldnt even be able to get done half the things that I do now, around the house and with the blog. :-)

  4. No, there are definitely not enough hours in the day. Over the last 2 months I’ve found myself getting up an extra 30 minutes before my husband, while my son is still sleeping. I make a cup of tea and just sit on the couch. I don’t think about the mess in the living room, the laundry that’s waiting for me or the piles of stuff at work. I just sit, breathe and enjoy my tea. Those moments of peace help me get through the long day.