Young Mommy chats – yay or nay?

So I’ve been trying to figure out a way to make the young mommy chats (you remember those, right?) better for everyone.

When we first started, Twitter was having too many issues – some days we couldn’t see each other, the updates would take too long to post, etc. In an effort to have something a little more….branded, I moved it to my blog. Fewer glitches, more privacy, but y’all didn’t migrate with me! LOL.

So I put it on hiatus. But I miss it. I watch the weekly Girls Night Out chats on Twitter and am dying to get back in the game.

But I want to do it big. Why bother if I’m not trying to make it beneficial to everyone’s life? I want sponsors, prizes, a way to record it and make it available for people who missed it, a corresponding network so people can continue conversations or make connections.

Now there’s only two problems with this:

1) Do I really have time to build this?

2) Will everyone else be as enthusiastic as I am about it?

So I’ll leave it to you all – what do you think? Young mommy chats – yay or nay?


  1. Ok so, no word of a lie – I was thinking about your Young Mommy chats this morning! I joined into your first chat – which if I remember correctly was about family finances. I had a great time, and connected with some awesome young mommies that I now follow. It was the first TweetChat that I ever did.

    I know that you moved it over here to avoid the technical difficulties and yes, I am totally guilty of dropping off then. Since it was on your site, it was completely off of my radar. :(

    But this week I did two TweetChats – #gno and #galtime – and had a blast. I would love to see the Young Mommy chats come back to Twitter.

    If there is anything I can do to help get it off the ground again, let me know. Brainstorm topics? Help co-host? Help promote? I’m here for ya.

    ~ humps

    • @humps – Thank you so much! :) You’re one of my favorite bloggers *wink*

      I know it was off the radar….maybe I’ll just use the chats on my site when I have a “special guest” or something….an financial expert or relationship counselor…or…I dunno. I DO want to start them again and I think I will go back to Twitter….I will let you know what I come up with! :)

  2. I think I only took part in the chats once (I wasn’t always available at that time) but I imagine it’s just forgetfulness/laziness that keeps folks from migrating over here (and I don’t mean that in a negative way – we are all guilty of that). If I were you I’d probably take them back to Twitter, since it’s such a central place – glitches and all. If you havent already, maybe contact Twitter Help about the technical issues.

    • @Yakini – Yeah, you’re right. I just remember how much people were protesting – “Take it off Twitter!” “This stinks!” “Why would Twitter act right?” LOL. But I think Twitter has made some upgrades in the last couple months so we’ll give it a go again…

  3. Hey Lady, I have no idea what it is so I give it a “Yay”. Go for it. Twitter has gotten better. Heck, I haven’t received any porn spam lately. So go for it and let me knw and hopefully I can join you.