where have you been all my life?


I don’t remember the first time I heard Disney was making a new movie featuring an African-American princess.

I do remember squealing with delight, dancing around the room, saying, “Finally! A princess who looks like me!”

I haven’t been this excited for a movie since Dreamgirls, which also featured Anika Noni Rose (by the way, isn’t that the most beautiful name ever?).

Anika is voicing the lovely and fiesty Princess Tiana, who headlines The Princess and the Frog, which hits theatres December 11.

In this flick, Tiana is a working girl in New Orleans, determined to fulfill her shared dream with her father to open her own restaurant. When Prince Naveen comes to town, chasing his love of jazz music and a carefree lifestyle, mayhem and mischief ensues.

What everyone keeps emphasizing is that not only is Princess Tiana the first African-American princess, she’s the first American princess period. (Although, shouldn’t Pocahontas count?)

 While we were at Disney, we were fortunate to be able to be present during Princess Tiana’s induction as the newest princess at Walt Disney World. Members of the media from all over were on hand to see the beautiful Tiana as she joined the rest of the Disney princesses (Snow White, Pocahontas, Mulan, Belle, Jasmine, Ariel, Aurora, and Cinderella, in case you’re wondering). 

Meet Anika Noni Rose: Disney's First Animated Black Princess| Movie News

The Disney Princesses

You see the pictures of me, Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen? No? Well, go ahead and take a look….

Princess Tiana, me and Prince Naveen. As if you needed me to say that - I don't any of my readers would have me confused with that goddess on the left. She was FABULOUS!

Princess Tiana, me and Prince Naveen. As if you needed me to say that - I don't any of my readers would have me confused with that goddess on the left. She was FABULOUS!

I brought you back a little treat – video from Princess Tiana’s first performance in the theme park, Tiana’s Showboat Jubilee! Can you find better quality elsewhere on the web? Yes, of course. But this was filmed with love :)



 I’m crazy excited to take my daughter (yes, she’s 3, but we’ll make it work) to see this movie. There are some many reasons to love it.

1) She is a hard worker. She’s not some damsel in distress who needs a kiss from Prince Charming to make her life complete. She wants a restaurant and is willing to work double shifts in order to save up the money to get it.

2) It’s hand-drawn animation. I admit, when I first heard that the Princess and the Frog woul be the old-school animation, I sucked my teeth a little. “Great, they took forever to create an African-American princess, now her movie has to look dated, too?” But I stand here today to apologize. I definitely think it was the right choice. It takes me back to my childhood, when Princess Jasmine reigned supreme in my house.

3) It’s set in New Orleans. One of my favorite cities on earth, even though I haven’t been there yet. The food, the culture, the location – all fab-u-lous if you ask me. Plus – the music. Ooooh, I can’t wait to get the soundtrack!


  1. I’m sooo happy that we now have “our” princess. This is certainly way past due! :-) 2008-2009 has been such a great year for African-Americans, with Obama and now Princess Tiana (lol, I know that may sound “crazy,” but you know what I mean?)

    I’m so jealous that you got that fabulous picture taken with Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen. Boy oh boy, I can’t wait, wait, wait to go back to Disney so I can get my picture taken with them too!!!

  2. I completely agree! It would have been soooo nice to have this princess as a child but I’m so happy that our kids will have her. I will definitely be going to see this opening weekend (we need to support her!). In fact, maybe I’ll take my son to see it. LOL! :)

  3. If anyone from Detroit is online. We will be having a community viewing of the movie on December 12 at The AMC Fairlane at 9:30am This is History! If you don’t go with us, please just go and support this Disney movie.