These are a few of my favorite things….

1. The look on my kids’ face when they see me after a long day at daycare.

2. The way my husband is always 10 degrees warmer than I am, which makes him my very own electric blanket.

3. The fact that on most days, I get home before everyone else, with just enough time for me to make dinner without little children clutching my legs.

4. The way Netflix always sends me the best new releases the day they come out. (You gotta work the Queue, though. You gotta work the Queue.)

5. The way my purse still gets me compliments even though it’s approaching two years on my arm.

6. The way my son does his happy dance whenever you give him some food.

7. Buying a ton of groceries, bringing them home, and filling up the refrigerator. Makes me feel so accomplished.

These are mine. What are some of YOUR favorite things?


  1. 1. Brownies and the way their chocolatey goodness captures my tastebuds with every bite!
    2. My husband’s dimples and hazel eyes
    3. Michigan autumns. The trees are so pretty (until it’s time to rake the leaves up).
    4. Mya’s old and funny spirit. She’s always making me laugh. She’s like my dh in that way. She’s 1 year old but you’d think she was 12.
    5.The way my son always tries to comfort me if I cry.

  2. Tara, I’m LOL @ #2

  3. hmmmm, in a rush so here’s a few…

    -when my kids laugh a good hearty laugh
    -when i get to exercise and listen to non-backyardigan/elmo/laurie berkner band music up loud
    -when hubby cleans the kitchen just the way i like
    -baby smells, not the bad ones…the cute ones 😉
    -corny movies
    -taking pics of my little ones

  4. Love your list, especially your human blanket factor…so-weet! A couple of my fave’s are:

    1- The fact that my husband takes the morning shift w/ the girls so I can wake up when my body says it’s time.

    2- The fact that I’m meeting inspirational woman after inspirational woman after inspir…okay, I think you get it.

    3- FInding well-priced shoes that look so hot it makes my skin crawl!

  5. My son does that happy food dance too.

    • @Mocha Dad – It’s the cutest thing ever, isn’t it? He sees food and starts marching in place. LOL

  6. spending quality time with my daughter. shes nearly a teenager now and it’s hard to get those hugs and special time. that lull in the middle of the afternoon, before she gets home from school, when everything is done and i have that time to chillax.all of the amazing people i’ve met online this year, including young mommy!

  7. Great post! Let’s see….

    -when I tickle my son and he giggles uncontrollably
    -watching him curled up so peacefully sleeping in his crib
    -when my son plays Hide And Seek with the blanket – he gets such a kick out of hiding from mommy and daddy
    -making a good meal that my husband loves, and bringing a hot plate to him after he gets home from work
    -quiet TV time in the evenings with the hubs, watching our favorite programs that we tivo’ed that week