ask the young mommy readers: sexy sexy

I’m in the midst of a big project at work, and it’s causing a negative domino effect on my life. My hair is dry, the house is a mess, the laundry is piling up and I can’t remember the last time I cooked a decent meal, sat down and ate it before 10 p.m.

I’m trying my hardest to keep it together, to not let everything go completely. I’m trying to still look cute even when exhausted. But when all I want to do is after work is crawl into bed, it’s hard to muster the energy to change my nail polish.

So I’m asking: How do you make yourself feel sexy when you’re tired? How do you keep your mojo going?


  1. I put on my India Arie catalog and re-learn to love me for who I am, flaws and all :)

    My motto/phrase is, “I deserve it.” When I am rushed and stressed and feeling like I look a mess, I treat myself to a moment, a new shirt, chocolate or just a hot bath and tell myself, “I deserve it.” I’m pleasing everyone else but I have to have a turn, too.

  2. Sexy?? Mojo??? What are those things? They exist in motherhood?! Well shut me up! LOL…hope the sarcasm was portrayed well enough. ONCE in a blue moon, I will get out the foot spa, soak my feet and give myself a bootleg pedicure. Uh…man, that’s all I can think of off the top of my tired head. It’s a shame I’m so exhausted I can’t even think of what would be something sexy, relaxing, etc., let alone get up and do something!

    • @Courtney – I swear I see these women who have kids and they are so put together! They keep their hair done, toes looking nice, workout on the regular, have cute clothes, pretty purses and shoes, they smile all the time. LOL. I want to be put together and I want to feel like I still have it, especially since I’m only 23!!!

  3. I KNOW!!! I don’t see how they do it. That’s why I’m like I’m swear I’m going on 35 instead of 25…this don’t make any sense…and most of them have more kids than I do and have it all together. I’m like wth? LOL