the proof

Yesterday was the day from hell. Busy work day, no time to eat, pressure of a major deadline looming, son was sick, hubby and I had no alone time, car broke down, got home late, don’t know how we’re going to be pay for repairs/new car right now, still recovering from a Chuck E. Cheese induced cold this past weekend.


After all that, I came home to see a note from the director at my kids’ daycare. Expecting the worst (I don’t know why), I tense up and unfold the paper. A handwritten note.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. _______,

Today we took your little one to the preschool room as part of her long transition. She walked right in and sat down with the other kids as they were doing their craft time. She colored in the apples on her paper as they were learning about apples this week. Then she played nicely and danced with the other kids to the “Months of the Year” song. Later, she sat quietly for circle time and followed directions like a pro! She already knows all her shapes and colors! I’m so proud of her!



It’s not very often that you feel like you’re doing something right with this whole motherhood gig. Sometimes I still question myself, “Seriously? Someone seriously decided it would be a good idea to give me a kid? Seriously?”

But then it’s days like this that make you feel like, you know what? I may have been winging it, but here’s proof that I ain’t too shabby at being Mommy.


  1. That is so wonderful. Our children always have a way of making the shittiest days end with a smile =)

  2. That is so sweet. What a nice surprise after the day you had!

  3. Is it just me or did you also get a weird warm and fuzzy feeling when you read this? I sure did when my 5 year old came home, first day of school, “my teacher told me I have great table manners”-something probably simple to him as a child, but to me a WOW, all my headaches are paying off! And it definitely makes any negatives seem very distant.

  4. Good for you. At the end of a chaotic day we some type of solace.

  5. MrsVickiMommy says:

    Hey, give yourself a little credit here! It sounds like your little one has learned well. Just remind yourself that no mother is perfect. We will have successes and failures, more of the former than the latter.