new beginnings, old friendships

Today’s guest post comes courtesy of my real life mom blogger friend, Alexia. Read on as she recounts her daughter’s last day at preschool. Get out your tissues!

Last week was my daughter’s last day in preschool. She’d been going to the same school since she was two years old, so the staff was like family. After sending Jaelah to three different providers prior to this one, I finally found a school that I liked and teachers I trusted.


So imagine my feelings when I knew we had to leave because it was time for her to start kindergarten and us to move to a new city. As her last day neared, I became more scared. I was dreading August 21. Every time I talked about her leaving, I became emotional. Jaelah would have to say goodbye to her teachers and friends as she prepared to enter a new stage in her life.


Before I went to pick her up from school, I gave myself a prep talk.

 “You are going to walk in the building and smile. Don’t think of it as ‘goodbye.’ You can come back and visit anytime.”  


But we won’t have time to visit often.


“You are not allowed to cry. Do you want everyone to see that weird face you make when you cry?”   




 I didn’t think so. Just be tough, OK?




When I gathered enough strength, I got out of my car and marched to the entrance door. I entered the building, greeted the staff and signed Jaelah and Jonas (my two-year-old son who also attends the same school) out for the last time.


I picked up Jonas first. He was happy to see me. His teacher hugged him for about seven minutes before letting him go.


“Bye Jojo! I’m gonna miss you,” she said as we left the room.

I got teary-eyed, but didn’t let a tear drop. Yay!


Next up was Jaelah.

Her class was at the playground, so we went outside to get her. She slowly walked over to me, dreading this day as much as I was. Not too far behind her was Tyler (her classmate and crush) and his mom.


At first, I thought she’d done something wrong, until his mom told me that Tyler wouldn’t leave until Jaelah did. (YoungMommy note: AWWWWWWW!)


Tyler then gave Jaelah a red carnation, two drawings and a picture they took together at graduation. My prep talk went out the window and my “tough mommy” persona vanished. I cried. A five-year-old boy had shown Jaelah the sweetest gesture of their friendship.


I had to get out of there. Everyone was looking at me and my tear-stained face. Then I realized that they weren’t looking at me, but Jaelah, who was also crying. I wondered if she was crying from embarrassment (I mean, I’m a grown woman crying on the playground) or happiness. Luckily, it was the latter. Tyler’s mom and I exchanged contact information, promising to keep the two in touch. There is no way I can break this promise, especially when Jaelah is hounding me every day.


I learned a few things from this episode:
1. I’m not as tough as I think I am
2. A five-year-old boy is sweeter than most grown men
3. My little girl is growing up and there is nothing I can do about it


And you know what? I’m OK with all three realizations.


  1. How Sweet!!!!!!!!!What a wonderful way to start Monday morning. You know Tyler’s actions got me thinking about the innocence, honesty, and purity that only occurs with childhood. How wonderful it was that he wasn’t able to hold back, that he allowed himself to give, to his friend….I know that’s not what a five year old was thinking, but it got me thinking. We should be like that child and never hold back…especially from the one’s we love.

  2. You are so right Danielle. Its funny how we probably never expected to learn something from a five-year-old, but this teaches us a very important lesson. We all should be more like Tyler.

  3. OK, the tears started welling up in my eyes when I read that Tyler gave her a flower. OMG, that is SO sweet! If Tyler has a dad at home, he should give himself a pat on the back. Clearly, Tyler is showing the same kind of love he sees at home. And if Tyler’s dad isn’t around, I might have to send flowers to his Mama. She’s teaching her little one how to love a woman just by teaching him to love her. Maybe, there’s a combination of both happening. Regardless of any of that, this is the sweetest thing I’ve read in a while.

    Mothers dread the thought of their kids growing up. I’ve learned one important thing in the process. They grow up to teach us about the purity of life as they learn it. And, the best part is that we’re around to witness it all.

  4. Dang, I know you gave a warning, but I didn’t think it was a serious one, LOL. I should not be balling like this (well, it’s a combo of other things too, but still). WOW…I’m trying think of words to say but all I can think of is wow.

    Day care was hard one me and especially the fact that I love it so much and we may be faced with leaving it. I dread Jaedyn’s first day of preschool, let alone when he has to move on up. I think Alexia handled it very well though, especially since she can accept/is okay with those 3 things because I’d still be in protest, LOL.

    Tyler was amazing and topped the whole scenario off for me. I’d like to know if he does have a dad at home or not. I plan to blog about it soon, but an older guy was telling me that instead of mothering Jaedyn I “S”mother him and that by doing so he isn’t going to grow up to be strong and be able to do x, y and z because of that. It got me very upset. For one, I show him the affection I yearned for when I was a child, plus it’s not like in a couple of years he is gonna let me hug/kiss on him like that. Secondly, just because you show your male child affection, how does it mean he is going to grow up to be weak? If anything, that’s the problem with men these days. They think they have to carry on this macho man image all the time and don’t know how to show a woman the proper affection/emotion that we yearn for. Sorry, I know I’m getting off on a tangent, I just hope that Tyler continues to do those things as he get older. That was the sweetest thing ever!

    • @Courtney – Oooh, that’s a blog post right there. Jaedyn’s 1!!!!! Why can’t you show him affection???

  5. Thanks for the kind words everyone! I’m happy to know that I’m not the only one who would’ve reacted that way.