Blog to Watch: This Mom’s Mission

So my friend used to write these hilarious posts on Facebook about her parenting gripes that used to have me spitting out my water onto the keyboard.

Now this friend has a blog. (Heck, you probably know her since she’s such a frequent commenter.)

Over at This Mom’s Mission, she talks about EVERYTHING. She just doesn’t.hold.back. You want to know exactly how motherhood is? Just head on over because she will keep it very real.

This week she wrote a post about her pregnancy wasn’t everything she thought it would be – is that why she’s got baby fever? (But for the record, she’s done having kids. I know she’d want me to put that in there.) Very honest, refreshing, cool. I know you’ll enjoy.


  1. Awww, this was so sweet of you. Thanks for the shout out. Maybe my blog will be as successful as yours…one of these YEARS 😉

    P.S- Thanks for throwing in that I’m SO done on the kid tip. I’ll just sit back and continue to wait for my lil Imani J. :)

    • @Courtney – There will be no Imani. No more kids for me. I’m sooo done. Even more so than you!