The importance of naptime

Here’s a question for you, which is the root of many arguments between my husband and I over the past week.

Once you have kids, do you do things around their schedule?

I do as much as I can when the kids are up, but on some things I feel I need to wait until the kids are asleep. Like clean up, for instance. Or fold clothes.

I need to know if I’m crazy. (The answer is: probably.)

How do you spend your kids’ naptimes or the hours between when they go to bed and when you do?

For example, if you need to wash dishes or something that doesn’t take too much time but would go faster if the kids weren’t around, do you do it when they’re up and running around? Or do you wait until they are asleep?


  1. My son’s naptime is my naptime! Remember the new mom adage, “Sleep when the baby sleeps”? I still use it. I try and have my son “help” me if it’s something small and that he can do or I park him in front of Noggin until it’s done.

  2. once your kids pass the infant stage, i.e after 8 mos old – 1 yr you can create a routine. imho, train your kids or they’ll train you. youll spend a good week listening to them agonizing and acting like theyre dying, but they cherish routine and consistency. and you’ll get the time to do what u need to do. if they are sick or any new life changes the routine goes out the window and ull have to start again. but it’s worth it.

  3. If I can do it while he’s awake and otherwise occupied then I will. Cuz I like to use his nap time to get online. But once he goes to bed for the night, I definitely do all the housework/cooking that is remaining.

    But overall, I would say that YES, my life definitely revolves around Chase’s schedule. Absolutely.

  4. knwill stole the words right out of my mouth–well took them from my fingers I guess. Nap time is my favorite part of the day. I go to bed way later than Jaedyn does since nightime is the only “me time” I get, so he is usually up before I’d like to be. I couldn’t make it through the day without nap time, it’s my favorite part of the day. I’m not ashamed to say I use Dora or Yo Gabba Gabba as a babysitter sometimes so I can get things done around the house. I like to do as much as possible while he is awake so when he is down for the night, I can totally use that time to relax. Certain chores I do try to wait until he is asleep or else for example I’m pulling out the swivel sweeper multiple times during the day.

  5. You are not crazy @ all Tara. I schedule EVERYTHING around when Harmony sleeps. I try to get some rest when she’s asleep, but I can’t really rest if I know there are things that need to be done i.e. dishes, laundry, showering, etc. I have to wait until she’s asleep because she wants all of my attention when she’s up. She may only be four weeks old but she plays like she’s asleep until I leave the room. I get maybe four or five steps into the hallway before she starts screamin. So yeah I have to wait until I’m sure she’s knocked out lol

  6. MaliksMom says:

    You’re not crazy – I plan around my babe at times, but being a single-ish mom (it’s a little messy between me and dad), I still gotta get stuff done around the house! So if I am washing dishes, he’s sitting in his exersaucer watching me and we talk (as much as a 5 month old can), or if I’m folding clothes, I put him right in the middle of the pile and grab clothes around him. Have to shower? I put him in his bath chair and talk to him from the shower (“I’m hitting the rinse cycle! Be out soon!”) And when he sleeps is when I have me time – pedicures, finally getting around to my hair, etc. hth!