what every mom needs to hear

Found this little nugget of wisdom on the Finding Erykah blog. I haven’t read all of her posts, but the ones I have read are refreshing honest. A 30something mom with a tween daughter, she has a way with words that makes me pause after sentences, after paragraphs and say to myself, “Hmm. Never thought of it that way.” Long story short, she’s one bad blogger. Take her words to heart – it will change your life:

My advice to any new mother young or old is to cherish it. Don’t ask yourself every day when it will get easier. There is no easier. You only have this moment. And the next. And the next. The other thing I would pass on, is to take really good care of yourself. Make time for you. Don’t listen to anyone who doesn’t actually know you or love you. A happy mom is a good mom. A rested mom is even better. And don’t bother rehashing in your head the mistakes you made yesterday. Forgive yourself quickly, make it right if you need to, and move on. Children know who loves them. They’re more resilent than you think.


  1. I LOVED that snippet. The part about not listening to people who don’t actually know or love you is poignant! Thanks for sharing, Tara!

  2. My goodness, that was like a slap in the face… in a very good way, lol. Thank you for sharing Her words with us, I really needed to read them, and furthermore, I could stand to internalize them; make that whole passage my daily motto…. in fact, why don’t I just go ahead and write them down on posted notes and get to posting, lol.

    • @Ms. Bar B – I read her post and wanted to stitch it on a pillow! I was like, “Dang, she gets it!” So wise, so quick and to the point.

  3. **blushing** thank you for this post. im glad my experiences as a young mommy could help others.

    • @Erykah – You don’t know how that single paragraph changed my whole outlook on life. LOL. Bravo to you! :)

  4. My favorite line is this one: Forgive yourself quickly, make it right if you need to, and move on.

    Words everyone should follow. Thanks for sharing.

    • @Danielle – Yeah, that was one of my favorite lines, too. I tell you the whole post struck me. :)

  5. I totally needed to hear this today. Especially the “there is no easier” part. I often get hung up that thought (er, wish). It’s nice to hear a reminder that I have to enjoy THIS moment.

    • @Lindsey – I have to remind myself that it’s not easy. Why would I think raising kids would be? I started a garden this summer (notice I didn’t say I “have” a garden…lol) and I was worn out at how much work it took just to get it going. Now it’s a patch of weeds ’cause I just couldn’t hang. I’m thinking, motherhood is just like that. Takes a lot of work in the beginning and lots of constant care and and then after that, you can look and see what’s grown. Kids are a lot like tomatoes in that respect. LOL.

  6. Wow, that was powerful. I need to find some pretty paper and print that out so I can post it on the fridge…and the bathroom mirror…and above my son’s changing table…and next to my bed!

  7. Wow. I really did need to hear this. I love the part about taking really good care of yourself. Sometimes we as mothers get so wrapped up in taking care of our kids, homes, husbands, etc. that we lose track of taking care of ourselves. And the part about forgiving yourself and making it right if you need to….that was mad deep yo….I’m just so excited to know that other ppl get it lol!!

  8. This is just what I needed to hear. Thanks for sharing!