Countdown to 24

Okay, so my birthday isn’t until November, but I feel like the countdown should start NOW. There’s always something so hopeful about being a year older.

Maybe this will finally be the year that I learn how to better balance my roles as wife, mother, writer, friend, sister, daughter, granddaughter.

Maybe this will be the year that I finally lose those 10 pounds that have been nagging me since I gave birth to my daughter three years ago. Maybe I will finally, finally, finally learn how to make the perfect grilled cheese sandwich.

24 might not be the milestone year that say, 21 or 25 is, but it just seems like 24 will be THAT YEAR. When I look back at my life and try to figure out when things got so good, it will be at 24 that I pause and say, “Yup, right then.”

23 was a hell of a year. A lot of stress, few struggles but me and my crew survived and it was fabulous. I can’t wait to see what 24 brings.


  1. Okay, you’re cracking me up with the birthday countdown… LOL! I love it! 24 is going to be super fantastic–you watch!

    • @Denene – Thanks! I think 24 will be better than 23, and 25 better than 24. It’s never too early for me to start counting down to things. I already have our (me and my husband’s) joint birthday party planned for next year in December when he turns 30 and I turn 25. LOL.

  2. Girl, November is around the corner…. definitely time for the count-down. 24 will be great for you!!!! :-)

    • @Yakini – Thanks so much! :) I think 24 will be great! And oddly enough, even through these tropical temps that have flowed through the Midwest lately, it DOES feel like November will be here before I can blink.

  3. Right when I was getting ready to fix my fingers to say, “girl, 25 ain’t no milestone. Heck, I’m 25 and I didn’t hit no milestone when that day and age hit.” Lol. But then I realized that each and every year that we are still in the game is a milestone! You experienced things and accomplished things that you will appreciate when you hit 24, and again at 25 and so on. You and your young mommy life will be just as fabulous, if not even more fabulous during this 24th year because you are going into it with tools taken from those things learned during your 23rd =).

  4. Good Luck with your countdown. I noticed you and your husband are the same age as my husband and I. Have fun. I think each year brings on a new adventure.

    • @Tricia – Do you tease your husband like I do? I always say he’s so old ’cause he’s pushing 30, but I’m still closer to 20. LOL.

  5. i remember when i turned 26. i was like wow!i made it. 24..u’ve got so much ahead of you. best wishes and happy birthday! Do something totally selfish. You deserve it.

    • @Erykah – You know, I hadn’t given much thought as to how I’m going to spend the day. My b-day falls on Thanksgiving this year, so I’ll probably be doing a lot of cooking. :)

  6. Good luck with your countdown! As a November baby myself, I understand how truly special we are.

  7. I had a mini-quarter life crisis at 24. LOL!! However, once I pulled myself together and got over it, it was a good year. Now that I will be 27 in December, I realize how young I really was then and how ridiculous it was to feel that way. Oh well! I guess those are the ups and downs of life/young mommyhood. I feel about 27 the way you do about 24 (this will be “the” year). I’m sure 24 will be wonderful for you! :)

    • @Erica – I think 27 will be the year for you too! I just have a feeling that 2010 will be great year for everyone!