Guess we’re not all the same, huh?

I’m loving this new chat feature, where you all can chat amongst yourselves or just leave me a note when it doesn’t seem to fit anywhere else.

Recently, I got a comment from someone who seemed to think (by the tone of the comment) that I was feeding into the stereotype of young moms from my little “About the blog” box to your right. That we were careless and got pregnant. That we’re broke:

I thought this might be a good forum for me, but from description of “no $500 strollers,” seems like you are not relating to all 20something moms. Some of us planned our pregnancies and already have the money and wisdom to raise a child very well.

One thing I pride myself on as a blogger is that I try to respond to everyone. I don’t know if you’ll be back or if you even care for a response, but everyone who stops by The Young Mommy Life will hear back from me, time permitting.

So my response: I have to admit, this comment hurt a little because I don’t think of young moms that way at all. I know we come in all forms. Some are married, some are single. Some have boyfriends. Some live with their parents. Some hate their parents.

Some have unplanned pregnancies. Some were married and dying for a baby.

Some were in college. Some had just graduated. Some were still in high school.

I know that we are all different. Some young moms may very well want a $500 stroller (although, for the life of me, I can’t understand why) and advice on how to fire the nanny might be valuable.

But that’s not me. I can’t very well sit here and tell you about things I don’t know. For the things I don’t know very well (single motherhood, teenager issues), I usually open it up for a “Ask the Young Mommy” feature, letting those who DO have some advice take the floor.

I try to represent for everyone. I don’t know if the commenter continued on to read my posts after making the snap judgment about the blog from its About section, but I certainly hope she did.

So you tell me: Is the blog balanced? Do I have enough for the mom still in college? Do you need more from the young, married mom perspective? The young, single mom perspective? A general look at motherhood? You tell me! :)


  1. I just stumbled across your blog for the first time and wanted to say kudos to you for being a young mother who pulls it all together! I love the blog and your outlook, and I think the negative commenter had no right to leave a comment like that. Blogs are not debate forums, rather outlets for the blogger and THEIR thoughts/opinions. You keep doing what you’re doing, and don’t worry about that commenter. :)

  2. As a young-ish (almost 30) married mother, I can say that I do not want need or condone the $500+ strollers. I saw one the other day that was over a grand. IMHO, it feeds into the pervasive materialism that this country has and I want no parts of it. So, I never thought you mentioned it because of age, class, socio-economic factors, or marital status…I just thought it was common sense! LOL!

    I love your blog and what you’re doing, keep up the good work!

    • @Knwill – Thanks for commenting! I don’t mean to slam whoever left the comment, because I think they made a valid point. My concern with $500 strollers has nothing to do with whether I can afford one. I’m a young mom (23 years old) and I could get my kids $500 stroller if I chose to. But I don’t, because I feel that money could be used on other things that fit my priorities. *shrug* No harm, no foul.

      And I can’t believe some strollers cost over a grand!! What? Why? How? LOL.

  3. Darn, just typed out a comment and lost it. Ehh well. I’ll try to recap:

    Well I’m a 30-something mama with a babe “conceived” out of wedlock and married shortly thereafter. Planned, but not planned “at that time,” if you will. Regardless, while our stories may not be EXACTLY identical….. I thoroughly enjoy this blog BECAUSE of the diversity of experience i feel you offer. I can relate to your experiences on multiple levels and have actually never found you to be narrow/close-minded as the commenter seems to suggest.

    But… that’s just my opinion. *shrug* Everything *aint* for everybody, right? There are so many great “mom blogs” out there in the blogosphere, I’m sure if that readers continues to search she will find the niche blog that works for her. :-)

    I’ve certainly come across blogs that didn’t jive well with me…. and I just moved on and didnt comment at all. Cuz Im of the mantra that “if you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all.” Ehh well. Whatev.

  4. Don’t worry about the naysayers. I hate it when someone makes a nasty comment on a person’s blog. If you don’t like what you read, move onto another blog. Why would you need to tell that person that their blog sucks, trivial, stupid or whatever? Just move on. As for whether you cater to all types of 20-something mothers, your blog caters to people that have a need for it. Your blog is perfect for me because I’m young and I feel like there aren’t a lot of people I can relate to. I am a young 20 something mother and I planned (sort of) both of my kids and my husband and I are comfortable financially. But I can’t relate to someone who feels the need to buy a $500 stroller and spends $30 on one baby onesie, whether you can afford it or not.

    Your blog is like sitting around with your closest friends and letting it all hang out. It’s so comforting to hear another young mother say, I don’t know what I’m doing and I feel like I’m not cutting it as a mother/wife/employee/stay-at-home mom or whatever. You are doing a great job. Don’t worry about the negative people. Just keep doing what you are doing.

    P.S. my husband’s coming home on Saturday!!!!!!!

    • @Cymonne – I missed you!!!!! And your hubby is coming home SATURDAY? As in a mere two days? Wow, that is FANTASTIC news! Man, that just made my whole day! :) (I should not be this excited for you. LOL)

      But I really, really felt offended by her comment just because I don’t want to be accused of what I feel a lot of parenting magazines/websites do: pretend everyone has the same situation. There are plenty of GOOD moms out there who make less than $20,000 a year. There are great moms over 40 and great moms under 40. I love hearing from different viewpoints. It makes my blog more fun.

      I’m just flattered by your comments. I want to print them out and hang them on my wall to look at on days where I feel like I’m slacking. :)

  5. Wow, to each their own. I just found your blog earlier this week and I have to say I really enjoy it. I can really relate to a lot of things. Keep doing what you’re doing. Oh and thanks for the post about Resenting your hubby. I have been in a funk w/ hubby off and on this year and he has been so patient with me. I resented him, but I shouldn’t I’m on track to graduate for school I may have had to take a slight break but it was well worth it.

    • @Tricia – Well, thank you for the comment :). That post about resenting the hubby has turned into a classic – I wonder why. LOL. But you’re going to graduate soon? Congrats! That’s fabulous! :)

  6. I just want to say I absolutely love your blog and I feel like you do a great job! ignore the h8ers and keep doin you!!

  7. who the!?!? ok, let me stop….

    nah, bump that. as a serious fan of your site, i am always shocked and appalled when people visit YOUR blog to read YOUR content and YOUR opinions on things that occur from YOUR perscpective…and want to judge or say things that are unneccesary. did you say “to hell with those who purchase $500 strollers”? or did you just say that they aren’t for you. if you are pushing a $500 stroller, why be offended? stand strong on your purchase! don’t try to bash someone else. UGH! i’ve had 3 blogs and never did take well to folks challenging my content. i would always end my responses to them with “click the red X in your upper right corner…thank you and goodbye!”

    you handled it well tho. i hope for maturity’s sake, the commenter was rushing and meant to word it differently, but didn’t have the time

  8. Tara please don’t let certain comments rain on your young-mommy-advice-giving parade. You and your blog’s content are awesome. As the old saying goes, you should never judge a book by its cover. I’m pretty sure if the commenter actually comes back to read what you have to offer she will find something here that she can relate to.